Welcome to Jesusfreak Computergeek

In January of 2025 – within two days of his inauguration, President Trump announced 500 BILLION dollars has been earmarked for Artificial Intelligence development and integration. AI will change every aspect of our lives in a few short years. Maybe we should try to understand what the most pervasive and burgeoning technology ever unleashed on the world – really is?

Cover image of book, audible and MP3 CD versions

We are very likely, currently living out Revelation 17:12-13
The kings of the earth are giving their power and authority to “the BEAST” – The Beast is a world governmental system run by AI. We are now living in a world controlled by Artificial Intelligence.

Find out more about the direct connection between the Flood of Noah’s day – and the rising world-wide influence of AI – Artificial Intelligence: http://floodofAI.com

PURCHASEthe Paperback bookthe Audible VersionKindle – order an MP3 CD or USB Flash Versions.

Order an MP3 CD or USB Flash Versions.Click here to buy now!

You can also purchase PDF and mp3 audio versions of the book on Patreon for only FIVE DOLLARS! Click the link

Read the reviews below. I pray that this work blesses you with a ‘word of knowledge’ and edifies you by providing the truth of the mind behind artificial intelligence.

Shalom! – my name is David Beverley Sr – welcome to my JFCG website

You can contact me via email: floodofAI@gmail.com and via phone: 839-248-5227

If you are looking for information about the author, click here and here, or links to the YouTube channel resources, or to purchase the book: “The Coming Flood of AI” – they can be found listed below:

I have been a Christian and a student of scripture for decades. And I have been a leading technologist and a professional musician since my youth. I have in recent years become the one who “cries out in the streets for the abominations being done in the city…” ( Ezekiel 9 ) Of course, this website that you are on – has MANY published pieces on a multitude of subjects that you generally will not hear discussed in a local corporate body. Links are at the menu at the top of this page. Here are a few links to efforts that I have felt lead to do – in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Covid Crazy – Here you will find many links to information that you will not get from mainstream sources nor will it be presented by the CDC or WHO in a “forthright” manner. This information is available, but the general public is steered away from it to the point of the CDC and WHO calling their own posted information – “conspiracy theory”

Chester at Large (2022 Campaign website) – One would have to had been completely asleep to not notice the governmental over-reach that has been occurring in every nation these past several years.

My Newspaper column: I have written 100’s of newspaper columns and Op-Eds over a 20 year period. You can read a few of them at this link. You can also find many of these columns – posted and expounded upon, through-out this website.

You have not arrived here by some ‘cosmic accident’. God Most High has a plan and purpose for every one of us. We should give serious consideration to spend time and effort to discern what that purpose, that ‘gifting’ – is – and to align ourselves with His ways. Part of that alignment is to “love what God loves, and to hate what God hates.” Studying the scriptures – the 66 book canon called the Bible and extra-biblical, historical writings such as ‘The Book of Jasher’, ‘Jubilees’, ‘the Book of Enoch’, and more will bring clarity to your understanding of the world we live in and YHWH’s plan.

The Most High has gifted me in many areas. He has given me many ‘talents’. But God’s gifting(s) have a cost – we are held accountable to the gifts and calling that He has bestowed upon us. My hope is to edify and encourage other believers, while presenting insights into scriptural truths that challenge the status quo. You will find links to a myriad of resources to edify the believer and inform the non-believer.

YouTube /@JFCG

“The Gathering” – is the title of the YouTube channel dedicated to Jesusfreak computergeek ministry efforts. The Gathering, is an allusion to the scripture: “Where two or more are gathered in My name, I am in the midst also…” Matthew 18:20

There are 100s of videos and many playlists dedicated to specific areas of understanding.

I challenge all of us to rethink, what we think we know. And then DO IT AGAIN. Very few consider what got us to where we are today – they have in essence, forgotten their history and forgotten what God Most High – has said. If you want to increase your understanding and don’t have a problem with challenging your “normalcy bias” – you’ve come to the right place. We are in the end of the end-of-days. I pray that anyone who visits this channel comes to know Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is of eternal importance! It is easy – and it is the FREE GIFT OF GOD! All we have to do is ASK… Make sure you subscribe and ring the bell for live alerts.

As we approach the end of the end-of-days, Holy Spirit is opening up the scriptures to a new level of deeper understanding, to a new generation of believers that are unencumbered by denominational precepts because they have remained – in essence – ‘unchurched’ – yet they are the ecclesia. Biblical Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes whilst the “established corporate church” is generally unwilling to get denominational barriers, tradition and “pre-conceived notions” out of the way of what “the Spirit is telling the church.

To quote from a great preacher of the Gospel – Dr. Lester Sumrall (and the first pages of my book, “The Coming Flood of AI”) –

“All denominations and most people, die in the same ‘first revelation’ they receive from God.  The people that call themselves Lutherans today, are living in the same blessing that Luther had some four hundred years ago. The people that call themselves Wesleyans and Methodists today, are living in the same blessing of Wesley – from a couple of hundred years ago.  It’s very difficult to get ‘out of a groove’. 

It’s very difficult to get out of a (religious) system.” 

Dr. Lester Sumrall

Find out more about the direct connection between the Flood of Noah’s day – and the rising world-wide influence of AI – Artificial Intelligence: http://floodofAI.com


RADICALLY - a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative who is married with children. When I became a Christian, I had no clue what God had in store for me. I once prayed that God would show me "the secret things" - Holy Spirit very soon after showed me the coming "alien deception" - and the proverbial levy broke! - This website demonstrates a small portion of what a life spent listening to the still small voice of Holy Spirit - has opened my eyes to. I am a professional, award-winning musician, composer and a leader in technology - having worked for 12 years at NASA. I also paint and draw, build things like chicken coops and arbors - and believe that a man who doesn't know how to fix anything or has no "handy-man skills" is going to be in BIG trouble in the coming years.