In 2017, I published a newspaper column by the same name, “The Coming Flood of AI” – and a companion piece prior to that: “We’re About to be Bitten by BITCOIN“
“The Coming Flood of AI: The Rise of the Nephilim Spirits”
If you have not yet purchased a copy, you can order on Amazon here or on Barnes and Noble – The AUDIBLE VERSION can be found here.
Order a PDF or MP3 version of the book here for only five dollars. Both are instantly downloadable to your PC.
Order an MP3 CD or USB Flash Versions.
You can also preview sections of the book in PDF format and AUDIO BOOK SAMPLES below:
If you do not know Jesus as LORD and Savior – there’s a simple prayer on the last page of this book. Please turn there now. YHWH bless you and keep you. May YHWH make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. YHWH lift His countenance to you and give you His Peace.
- RETAIL SAMPLE from Audible site
- Prologue – (free PDF) This writing contains “new wine.” It is not my intention to hurt you – “the wineskin.” AUDIO BOOK SAMPLE: Prologue.mp3
- STOP THE PRESSES (free PDF) free AUDIO BOOK SAMPLE: StopthePresses.mp3
- Section 1 – (free PDF) In the Beginning
- Section 2 – Cosmic, Cataclysmic Change Events
- Section 3a – All in One Accord
- Section 3b – Spiritual Things are Discerned Spiritually
- Section 4 – Nothing Artificial About AI
- Section 5 – Our Paleo Beginnings
- Section 6 – The Coming of the Lawless One
- Section 7 – Hegelian Dialectic
- Section 8 – Patriot Day Trauma Based Mind Controls free AUDIO BOOK SAMPLE: Trauma Based
- Section 9 – The Great Minds of Our Times
- Section 10 – (free PDF) The Sky is on Fire
- What Hope do we Have?
You will find the reference links, resources and media assets – on this page. Links to download these media assets are listed at the bottom of this page.
Men of God from the past centuries (barring the prophets in our scriptures) never imagined seeing what we have seen and experienced in our midst today (circa 2024)! We should remain mindful that we are taught plainly that it’s NOT flesh and blood we war against… Daniel 2, Genesis 6, Genesis 19
As we approach the end of the end-of-days, Holy Spirit is opening up the scriptures to a new level of deeper understanding, to a new generation of believers that are unencumbered by denominational precepts because they have remained – in essence – ‘unchurched’ – yet they are the ecclesia. Biblical Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes whilst the “established corporate church” is generally unwilling to get denominational barriers, tradition and “pre-conceived notions” out of the way of what the Spirit is doing.
Instead of hindering and discouraging – this is an opportunity for the elder saints of God to provide guidance in humility and holiness. While this new generation of “seers” are prophesying great truths that are presented by the Spirit of the Living God, this generation needs the wisdom that comes from having walked the walk-of-faith. It is up to the elders to teach by demonstrating DISCERNMENT that comes from having practiced discernment (Hebrews 5:14). These are exciting times! But they are also precarious times – NEW WINE is being poured into NEW WINESKINS!

Please understand – I’m not trying to state that we should throw “holiness out” of the body of Christ Jesus. NOT AT ALL! “You should be holy because I AM HOLY” says God Most High. And we don’t have to look far for a people who have injected the world’s carnality into the faith – and called it “love”, acceptance and tolerance. This is why those of us who are older, experienced saints who “see” – need to help guide this newer generation of the faithful – because they haven’t yet developed the ability to discern GOOD from EVIL. And they very much need the true foundations of our faith in Christ Jesus.
“But solid food is for those who are full grown, who by reason of use
(Hebrews 5:14)
have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.”
FUTURE OF LIFE Institute – Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter
Visit the website here: https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/
Asilomar Principals – The Asilomar AI Principles, coordinated by FLI and developed at the Beneficial AI 2017 conference, are one of the earliest and most influential sets of AI governance principles.
You can see the the entire Beneficial AI videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpxRpA6hBNrwA8DlvNyIOO9B97wADE1tr
PROLOGUE Resources:

- Hebrew 4 Christians (website – good resource for Hebrew language and cultural information )
- Blue Letter Bible (website – concordance and study tools)
- #V1 reference link in the prologue – “Our Expectations Keep Us from Seeing“

Section 1 resources:
- The Book of Enoch (PDF download) Download Here
- The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet – https://www.ancient-hebrew.org/ancient-alphabet/aleph.htm
Section 2 resources: Cosmic Cataclysmic Change Events
Most Christians, Pastors and laity alike, would state that the reason we are in such a ‘bad way’ in the world today – was through the result of our sin. Sin that began, simply, at the Garden of Eden and an encounter with a serpent positing the question: “Did God say…?” – Causing Adam and Eve and all of humanity to become a people in a fallen state. I would emphasize that there are actually three events of mankind’s sinful involvement with rebellious elohim – that caused the world to be in its current fallen state:
The fall of man and our being removed from Yahuwah’s Eden, the great flood of Noah’s day, and the Tower of Bab-El event(s) — These events brought about the Most High’s involvement where He would otherwise watchfully allow man to stumble through. All three of these cosmic cataclysmic events involved man going against YHWH’s will and working in-league with a high-tier group of rebellious angelic hosts.
- The Book of Jasher (PDF download) Download Here
- The Book of Enoch (PDF download) Download Here
Ephesians 6:12
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Section 3a Resources: All in One Accord – Science so-called
Hermetically Sealed Humans
Our interpretation of scripture must include the leading of Holy Spirit! Why? Even the New Testament disciples were told by Jesus that “He had so much more to tell them, but they could not yet handle it” – Jesus then goes on to say that when the “Helper comes, the Spirit of Truth, He will lead you into all understanding.”
Section 4 Resources: All in One Accord – Spiritual Things, Discerned Spiritually
1-Operation Paperclip: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip
2-The Brookings Institute: “Brookings has been at the forefront of public policy for more than a century.” https://www.brookings.edu/
3-Tavistock Institute: https://www.brookings.edu/
4- United Nations: “Peace, Dignity and Equality on a healthy planet…” https://www.un.org/en/
5-Council on Foreign Relations: https://www.cfr.org/
The Reappearance of ‘the Christ’ (their christ) – https://www.lucistrust.org/store/item/the_reappearance_of_the_christ

lux, and means ‘Light’
The Lucis Trust is dedicated to the establishment of a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity. Its educational activities promote recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based. The esoteric philosophy of its founder, Alice Bailey, informs its activities which are offered freely throughout the world in eight languages.
Operation Paperclip (originally called ” Operation Overcast “) was conducted at the end of World War II by the United States Army General Staff to exfiltrate and recruit nearly 1,500 German scientists from of Nazi Germany’s military-industrial complex to fight against the USSR and recover the Third Reich ‘s secret weapons . These scientists carried out research in various fields, in particular on chemical weapons ( Zyklon B ), on the use of psychotropic drugs note 1 , on the space conquest , on ballistic missiles and on long-range weapons ( V1 and V2 flying bombs ).

Far from assigning them to subordinate positions, the United States Department of Defense entrusted them with the direction of part of its research programs. They were assigned to bases at White Sands , New Mexico , and Fort Bliss , Texas . Thanks in part to the help of these scientists, the technological advance of the United States was considerable during the Cold War.
CERN IS NOT CAUSING THE SUPERNATURAL CHANGES THAT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING. CERN opened the ‘floodgate’ – tore the veil (as it were) to make allowances for the demonic powers and Rulers of Darkness to have higher level access to what we call “the material world”.
“Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it – Indeed, there would be an open door, but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open “a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it.”
Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN
Section 5 Resources: Our Paleo Beginnings

TORAH, in Judaism, in the broadest sense, the substance of divine revelation to Israel, the Jewish people: The Most High’s revealed teaching or guidance for humankind. The meaning of “Torah” is often restricted to signify the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), also called the Law (or the Pentateuch, in Christianity). These are the books traditionally ascribed to Moses, the recipient of the original revelation from YHWH on Mount Sinai. Jewish, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant canons all agree on their order: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
The written Torah, in the restricted sense of the first five books of the Bible, is preserved in all Jewish synagogues on handwritten parchment scrolls that reside inside the ark of the Law. They are removed and returned to their place with special reverence. Readings from the Torah form an important part of Jewish liturgical services.
The term – TORAH – is also used to designate the entire Hebrew Bible. Since for some Jews the laws and customs passed down through oral traditions are part and parcel of God’s revelation to Moses and constitute the “oral Torah,” Torah is also understood to include both the Oral Law and the Written Law – by modern Jews.

Videos and additional website links –
Original Hebrew: the Language and Script Given by God https://www.fathersalphabet.com/
Original Hebrew channel https://www.youtube.com/@originalhebrewseries/featured
Hebrew 4 Christians https://www.hebrew4christians.com/
Gesenius’s HEBREW and CHALDEE LEXICON published in 1857 – Download PDF here
The original Hebrew script – PALEO-HEBREW (Ancient Hebrew) is the language and writing that The Most High gave to Adam. Hebrew is the language that God Most High spoke with Moses (Moshe) when He dictated the first five books in our English Bible: Genesis (Beresheeth), Exodus ( Shemot) Leviticus ( Va-Yikra ), Numbers ( Be’Midbar ) and Deuteronomy ( Devarim ) –
The ‘Unpronounceable Name’ is mentioned – and an idea is presented: This is the short video mentioned in Section 6 Page# 64 – demonstrating how we might pronounce the ‘unpronounceable name’. Open your mouth wide and take a deep, fast breath, and let your lips fall closed and breath out through your mouth. THAT is the unpronounceable Name of God!
Our Heavenly Father breathed His Breath of Life into Adam, and Adam’s response to breathe in and then out – that very act, is praising the Most High’s Name!
“Let everything that has breath – praise the LORD!”
It may seem as though I’m including more info that focuses on PALEO-HEBREW (Original Hebrew) than other sections? – I BELIEVE THAT PALEO HEBREW IS THE ORGINAL LANGUAGE GIVEN TO A’DAM BY FATHER GOD!
In modern Israel, the scribes of today agree that modern Hebrew is not actually “Hebrew” – but a version of Hebraic tongue called: “Ivrit” (Ehv – reet) – In the written language, they have added vowel sound markings and other components to their lexicon, making modern Hebrew – no longer a Semitic language.

A very anointed group of people – present the ancient Hebrew lexicon/script – Original Hebrew https://www.youtube.com/@originalhebrewseries
This is a useful whiteboard for learning and teaching Paleo Hebrew Aleph/Beit Paleo Hebrew Tablet – From “Rock Island Books”
A few links for PALEO HEBREW Fonts – there are minor differences between fonts called PALEO – the original written language. Some are actually of Babylonian or Phoenician origination. True Paleo-Hebrew epitomizes the relation of the lexicon (symbol) and what the letter/lexicon means.
Ancient Semitic Script – https://culmus.sourceforge.io/ancient/index.html
- The Internet of Bodies – World Economic Forum – http://jesusfreakcomputergeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/WEF_IoB_briefing_paper_2020.pdf
- The Great Reset – WEF – Klaus Schwab – http://jesusfreakcomputergeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The_Great_Reset_KlausSchwab2020.pdf
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Klaus Schwab – http://jesusfreakcomputergeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/The_Fourth_Industrial_Revolution_Klaus_S.pdf
Section 6 Resources: The Coming of the Lawless One
We still do —- It seems to me that it is all an AI slight of hand – changing our historic record (digital archives and hard copy) and a type of “mind control” that injects false, error laden memories into unsuspecting people.
“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2nd Thessalonians 2:9 NKJV)
I then proceeded to demonstrate how our “physical reality” was changing right below our noses. Proclaiming the Coming of the Lawless One in 2016 – Supernatural Changes to Our Reality
I did this presentation only after much prayer, because I knew that my “parable” of a demonstration would not be received well if I came out and stated plainly what I was telling the congregation. As it was, that morning in 2016 – only one person out of a congregation of three hundred or so, knew what I was alluding to. The Pastors certainly did not understand. The associate pastor called me at home later that day, angry with me over the fear I had caused, because no-one understood what I demonstrated, and the people asked the Pastors to explain my odd presentation. The Pastors had no answer for them.
Back then in 2016 I knew something that very few, if any – in my local church body knew. Our reality was being systematically changed – corrupted, as it were – by a great spirit of darkness that was so heavy that you could literally see it hanging in the skies above us. The earth was more and more corrupt JUST AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH! This great spiritual darkness was also negatively affecting people all around us. People were subtly changing. Their ‘sensibilities’ were changing. Their logic and reasoning were becoming inverted – backwards – in tiny, nuanced ways.
Quoted by the author: David Beverley Sr.
DWAVE and CERN and the purveyors of powerful, dangerous and demonic technologies:

A D-Wave 2X quantum computer is pictured during a media tour of the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, December 8, 2015 – https://www.reuters.com/technology/d-wave-sets-up-latest-quantum-computer-california-2022-05-12/
D-Wave upgrade: How scientists are using the world’s most controversial quantum computer https://www.nature.com/articles/541447b
I wrote a published newspaper column in 2018: “A Demonic Divination Device for Every Home“
“Quantum computing and AI … is the return of the GREAT OLD ONES… They’re not evil, they simply regard us in much the same way we (dis) regard an ant. They just don’t give a (*expletive*) about us” –
Dr. Geordie Rose of D-Wave quantum computers and KINDRED.AI
Section 7 Resources: Hegelian Dialectic
President Dwight Eisenhower Farewell Address
President Dwight Eisenhower spoke to the nation in a farewell address. The address, sometimes referred to as the “Military-Industrial Complex Speech”, is considered by some to be one of the most significant speeches of the Eisenhower presidency.
The Petro Dollar:
Our money – the DOLLAR – has no intrinsic value. We are enslaved for what amounts to “nothing” —-
The World Bank Group is a family of five international organizations that make leveraged loans to developing countries. It is the largest and best-known development bank in the world and an observer at the United Nations Development Group. The bank is headquartered in Washington, D.C., in the United States.

Military Industrial Complex Fallout:
The Vietnam War and the Gulf of Tonkin Event (that never happened) ( watch short video )
During comments to reporters on 6 August, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara lied when he denied knowledge of the nature of the provocative OPLAN 34A raids, which were organized and overseen by his department. Three days earlier he had told the President that some of the raids had led to the 2 August attack on the Maddox.
Section 8 Resources: Trauma Based Mind Control

In 2001 – there were many who created simple little memes and images to demonstrate their patriotism – their love of their country and hate for this man: Osama Bin Laden
Click on the image to watch a video from 2001 era and enjoy a little 9/11 fun and a form of mind-control – ahhhh – the good ‘ol days…
…and whatever is gonna happen, that they’re gonna blame on Osama Bin Laden –
Bill Cooper – on his radio show, “The Hour of the time” – June 2001
Don’t you even believe it
It didn’t take long for the spin doctors in the media to work out the details of how two planes, impacting the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center – were caused to free-fall and 100+ floor steel and reinforced concrete buildings turned into piles of dust. Oh! It was three buildings – but that’s another story…
Special thanks to Brian S. Staveley for finding this video for me. You can find Brian’s vast array of resources on COVID and 9/11 at – https://odysee.com/@briansstaveley:5 – His website is https://www.therealnewsonline.com/my-links.html
Dark arts: Luciferian majik while jets fly into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

Bill Cooper Related links: http://www.hourofthetime.com/
- “Hour of the Time” – Archives of Bill’s historic radio broadcasts – mp3 format
- FBI Record of Bill’s docket and published letters stating that he and his family would be killed
- William (Bill) Cooper Autopsy record – Bill Cooper was martyred outside his home.
This video has a reporter from New York City Local CBS Channel 2. Most do not remember that WTC Building 7 also fell that day. While no planes hit that building, somehow, it also collapsed with No HIGH TEMPERATURE, FUEL-LADEN FIRES that are claimed to cause the free-fall of World-Trade Center buildings One and Two.
This video was taken from an archive of 911 info: 911-questions.com
This video is a four-hour documentary on 9/11 NO PLANES https://www.bitchute.com/video/95mtNDQ7w2Tw – I may not agree with everything presented, but it’s good to at least consider things said outside of mainstream narratives.
The video below is mentioned on page 77 in the book, The Coming Flood of AI
It covers the introduction of CRYPTOCURRENCY to the world stage – created by the elusive and NEVER seen, Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto is called “the father of BITCOIN”. He introduced the concept of cryptocurrency and the BLOCKCHAIN to the world and disappeared from the world-stage.
Section 9 Resources: The Great Minds of Our Time
Introducing some of the great minds in Artificial Intelligence.
The truth is – “No one understands how the AI algorithms work.” We have not created
David Beverley Sr – author
Artificial Intelligence, we are simply ‘interfacing with it’ – with an extremely high-tech Ouija
(2023) Geoffrey Hinton, considered by many to be the “godfather of AI“
(2016) The introduction of Geordie Rose, who presented to the masses a technology that was developed in the shadows by MIT, NASA and his ‘lovechild’ – DWAVE Quantum Computers.
and the D-WAVE technologies.
Sam Harris is the author of five New York Times bestsellers. His books include The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up and Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Harris’s writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics — neuroscience, moral philosophy, religion, spirituality, violence, human reasoning — but generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
Section 10 Resources: The Sky is on Fire
“Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4” FULL PUBLISHED PIECE in PDF – mentioned on page 89 of “The Coming Flood of AI”

The Microsoft AI Development Team openly state: “How does it (GPT-4) reason, plan, and create?” – The ‘programmers of artificial intelligence’ do not understand how it works. Should that concern us?
- LifeArchitect.ai – Alan D Thompson – “The Sky is On Fire 2021” – his website post
- MIT Technology Review published in 2017 – “The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI” on mentioned page 83 – you can also download a PDF of the MIT published piece.
- “Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4” FULL PUBLISHED PIECE in PDF – mentioned on page 89
- Columns mention on page 84 – “The Coming Flood of AI” – and a companion piece prior to that: “We’re About to be Bitten by BITCOIN“
- The Hallucination Problem (The AI Developer community calls “lying” – “hallucination”.
Section 11 Resources: AI Will Rule
“They will mingle with the seed of men, but will not cleave one to another” Daniel 2:43
This time – we won’t have a visibly “giant race” or visibly Nephilim race. They will mingle themselves with humanity – through tech. Understanding that the spirits behind the “mind of AI” are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim killed in the flood, helps to clear up some of the oddities seen in AI ChatGPT creations – over the past year.
The scriptures tell of a race of RAPHAIM who had six-fingers and double rows of teeth.

..according to Catholic doctrine, we are ‘eating Jesus’ flesh’
when one participates in taking of the Eucharist. I suggest that most would call such an idea BLASPHEMOUS.
To state that the Spirit of God inhabits anything other than “the
temple of the Holy Spirit” – is blasphemy.
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” (1st Corinthians 6:19 NKJV)
Below lists URLs to a vast assortment of resources related to AI, AGI and technologies related to Mind Control and RF Communications
Dr Alan D. Thompson is a world expert in artificial intelligence (AI), specializing in the augmentation of human intelligence, and advancing the evolution of ‘integrated AI’.
Alan provides AI consulting and advisory to intergovernmental organizations including member states of the United Nations, Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), European Union, and the Commonwealth. Alan’s applied AI research and visualizations are featured worldwide, with citations in the University of Oxford’s debate on AI Ethics in December 2021, and in the US Government’s economic research report in February 2023. His 2021-2022 experiments with Leta AI and Aurora AI have been viewed over 2.5 million times.
Generative AI (gen AI) and large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing our personal and professional lives. From supercharged digital assistants that manage our email to seemingly omniscient chatbots that can communicate with enterprise data across industries, languages, and specialties, these technologies are driving a new era of convenience, productivity, and connectivity. In the business world, gen AI automates a huge variety of menial tasks, saving time and improving efficiency. It generates code, aids in data analysis, and automates content creation, freeing knowledge workers to focus on critical and creative tasks. It also enhances personal experiences by tailoring content to your preferences, delivering personalized recommendations for playlists, movies, and news feeds that enrich our daily lives.
Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence – White paper released from Microsoft in March 2023
We demonstrate that, beyond its mastery of language, GPT-4 can solve novel and difficult tasks that span mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology and more, without needing any special prompting. Moreover, in all of these tasks, GPT-4’s performance is strikingly close to human-level performance, and often vastly surpasses prior models such as ChatGPT. Given the breadth and depth of GPT-4’s capabilities, we believe that it could reasonably be viewed as an early (yet still incomplete) version of an Artificial general intelligence (AGI) system. In our exploration of GPT-4, we put special emphasis on discovering its limitations, and we discuss the challenges ahead for advancing towards deeper and more comprehensive versions of AGI, including the possible need for pursuing a new paradigm that moves beyond next-word prediction.
We conclude with reflections on societal influences of the recent technological leap and future research directions.
- The Artilect War: The Cosmists and the Terrans – Download the PDF
- A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines written by Prof. Dr. Hugo de GARIS – Director of the “China-Brain Project”
Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science,
School of Information Science & Technology,
Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China.
Abstract. This paper claims that the “species dominance” issue will dominate our global politics later this century. Humanity will be bitterly divided over the question whether to build godlike, massively intelligent machines, called “artilects” (artificial intellects) which with 21st century technologies will have mental capacities trillions of trillions of times above the human level. Humanity will split into 3 major camps, the “Cosmists” (in favor of building artilects), the “Terrans” (opposed to building artilects), and the “Cyborgs” (who want to become artilects themselves by adding components to their own human brains). A major “artilect war” between the Cosmists and the Terrans, late in the 21st century will kill not millions but billions of people.
- Bible Changes-Amos 8:11-12 and Daniel 7:25
- In 750 BC, the prophet Amos made some startling prophecies about the word of God disappearing. Bible scholars assumed his words were about things that happened only in Amos’ day. But no, not all of his prophecies.
NOTE —- The scriptures compel us to not be unaware of how our enemy operates. In 2 Corinthians 2 we are told “so that we are not overtaken by satan, we are not unaware of his schemes…” The point is that we should not be unaware of the wiles / ways of our enemy or he might gain an advantage over us. For this reason I have included luciferian, kabbalic and esoteric teachings, so that people would gain insight into how the enemy has been operating through mankind.
WARNING: The writings and teachings below should not be reviewed by an unlearned and Christian of “little faith” – These articles / books are for research and understanding of the musings of those who follow after the enemy of our souls. They are not something to be ‘trifled with’.
ESOTERIC TEACHINGS SOURCES – Understanding Luciferianism, Satanism, Masons and Illuminati:
The Theosophical Society Website: https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/ts/h_tsintro.htm
The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky: https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd-pdf/sdpdf-hp.htm
The Externalization of the Heirarchy by Alice Bailey of LUCIS TRUST (originally called LUCIFER’S PUBLISHING COMPANY) – https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/the_externalisation_the_hierarchy_obook
PDF download of The Externalization of the Heirarchy
The Occult Theocrasy by Lady Queenborough – PDF download
– Extensive list of PDF files of RARE and Inspired Writings –
This is a link to another site that has a list of (what looks like) all of the Apocryphal writings. The description on the site explains well how we should examine such writings. My posting here is not an endorsement of any writing or the site. It is simply to provide access to other information:
“Scriptures and sacred texts that deny Jesus Christ as our Messiah as God incarnate have been excluded from this list to the best of my ability; as well as any texts which promote doctrines from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Since not all texts show to be infallible, all discernment should be validated through the standard biblical canon, and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Download! Print! Share! Enjoy! For there may soon come a time when the Word of God is banned, and our electronic luxuries no longer available.”
“Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away”
Matthew 24:35, Jesus Christ
Links to download all of the video, graphic and PDF resources:
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