
Hard to Find Resources: Esoteric Teachings | Rare Lesser-Known Scriptures Based on Scripture | Transhuman Teachings | Historic Writings | Occult Understandings and Writings

This is a list that links to published works that are terrific resources, sometimes hard to find and very important for the studied and literate believer:

The Geneva Bible of 1560 in PDF – Almost 100 years before the King James Bible. A little difficult to read because of the “font” is a bit foreign to modern eyes. The S letters look like F (for example) – This is a great resource to have.  The Geneva Bible 1560

The Book of Enoch has remained in the Ethiopian scriptures and is linked as a PDF file here:   


The Book of Jasher – (The upright man) mentioned several times in the Biblical canon -linked as a PDF here:   The Book of Jasher

You can also order a hard copy of a great Apocryphal collection that includes Enoch and much more at Amazon —  


THE ARTILECT WAR:   Cosmists vs. Terrans  download: The ARTILECT WAR: Cosmists versus Terrans
A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike, Massively Intelligent Machines  written by Prof. Dr. Hugo de GARIS – Director of the “China-Brain Project”
Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computer Science,
School of Information Science & Technology,  Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China.

Abstract. This paper claims that the “species dominance” issue will dominate our global politics later this century. Humanity will be bitterly divided over the question whether to build godlike, massively intelligent machines, called “artilects” (artificial intellects) which with 21st century technologies will have mental capacities trillions of trillions of times above the human level. Humanity will split into 3 major camps, the “Cosmists” (in favor of building artilects), the “Terrans” (opposed to building artilects), and the “Cyborgs” (who want to become artilects themselves by adding components to their own human brains). A major “artilect war” between the Cosmists and the Terrans, late in the 21st century will kill not millions but billions of people.

The ARTILECT WAR: Cosmists versus Terrans


Brave New World  download:  Brave New World
by  Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963)

Brave New World

The ACTUAL first man to go into space
The ACTUAL first man to go into space: Auguste Piccard, in 1931 – “Ten Miles High” was published in Popular Science magazine in 1931


The Earth Not a Globe – by Samuel Birley Rowbotham – 1881


Terra Firma: The Earth Not a Sphere


Ethelbert William Bullinger AKC (December 15, 1837 – June 6, 1913) was an Anglican clergyman, Biblical scholar, and ultradispensationalist theologian. (DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement of DISPENSATION THEOLOGY)   It turns out that EW Bullinger was a FLAT EARTHER:  EW Bullinger Flat-Earther PDF

Fifty ReasonsFifty_Reasons_Copernicus_Or_the_Bible   – This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book by F.E. Pasche in 1915  – It is erroneous to state that “we’ve believed the earth was round for 500 years” . This is not true.  That lie is continuously perpetuated –

This is the FULL TITLE:    Fifty Reasons, Copernicus or the Bible.  Philosophy and vain deceit or true science?  Which is Right?   The Bible and Practical Astronomy or the Babel of Theoretical, poetical, Newtonian fiction?

This is a book by Alex Gleason (the creator of the GLEASON MAP) VIDEO: YouTube

We all know the famous “flat earth” map made by Alex Gleason in 1892, but he also wrote a book around that same time called “Is the Bible From Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe?,” a scientific examination of our world AS IT IS. There is no conflict between science and scripture as long as the science is real and not based on deception. Ever since the Garden of Eden, mankind has been blinded by pride and easily deceived, but if we just open our minds, hearts and eyes, we can easily see through the lies and discover the truth. You can download a PDF of his book at the links below. Thanks to


History of the great American fortunes

Internet Archive Link:


“Mandela Effect” – Quantum Effect Bible Changes – Documenting the Supernatural Assault on God’s Holy Scriptures – Your Bibles Have Changed!    — Videos

Charles Spurgeon Archives — Archives Website

NOT ALL SCIENTISTS in the world hold to belief in Darwinism or EVOLUTION. This is for when you need to refute someone who argues EVOLUTION IS PROVEN TO ALL OF SCIENCE.  A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism


*NOTE  —- The scriptures compel us to not be unaware of how our enemy operates. In 2 Corinthians 2 we are told “so that we are not overtaken by satan — we are not unaware of his schemes…”   The point is that we should not be unaware of the wiles / ways of our enemy or he might gain an advantage over us.   For this reason I have included luciferian, kabbalic and esoteric teachings — so that people would gain insight into how the enemy has been operating through mankind.

WARNING: The writings and teachings below should not be reviewed by an unlearned and Christian of “little faith” – These articles / books are for research and understanding of the musings of those who follow after the enemy of our souls. 

ESOTERIC TEACHINGS SOURCES – Understanding Luciferianism, Satanism, Masons and Illuminati:

The Theosophical Society Website:

The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky:

The Externalization of the Heirarchy by Alice Bailey of LUCIS TRUST (originally called LUCIFER’S PUBLISHING COMPANY) –

PDF download of The Externalization of the Heirarchy

The Occult Theocrasy  by Lady Queenborough  –

 – Extensive list of PDF files of RARE and Inspired Writings  – 

This is a link to another site that has a list of (what looks like) all of the Apocryphal writings. The description on the site explains well how we should examine such writings.  My posting here is not an endorsement of any writing or the site. It is simply to provide access to other information:

“Scriptures and sacred texts that deny Jesus Christ as our Messiah as God incarnate have been excluded from this list to the best of my ability; as well as any texts which promote doctrines from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Since not all texts show to be infallible, all discernment should be validated through the standard biblical canon, and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Download! Print! Share! Enjoy!   For there may soon come a time when the Word of God is banned, and our electronic luxuries no longer available.”

“Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away”
—Matthew 24:35, Jesus Christ

DOWNLOAD THE PDFs – we may lose our Internet access someday.

God willing, this list will be continuously updated. 

David – Jesusfreak computergeek

Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles…

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Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right

A Storm on the Horizon

The Transhuman Dialectic – THE Right Major Crisis


Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles…

Are You Prepared?

“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in…

Black-White, Left-Right

A response to a post questioning the problems with Republicans vs. Democrats: no offense man - but we need to…

A Storm on the Horizon

--- ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for the column --- This is going to challenge your “normalcy bias”. And I state that, even…



Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right

A Storm on the Horizon

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Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right


Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

Are You Prepared?


Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right


Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles…

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Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right

A Storm on the Horizon

The Transhuman Dialectic – THE Right Major Crisis


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Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

Are You Prepared?

Black-White, Left-Right

A Storm on the Horizon


RADICALLY - a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative who is married with children. When I became a Christian, I had no clue what God had in store for me. I once prayed that God would show me "the secret things" - Holy Spirit very soon after showed me the coming "alien deception" - and the proverbial levy broke! - This website demonstrates a small portion of what a life spent listening to the still small voice of Holy Spirit - has opened my eyes to. I am a professional, award-winning musician, composer and a leader in technology - having worked for 12 years at NASA. I also paint and draw, build things like chicken coops and arbors - and believe that a man who doesn't know how to fix anything or has no "handy-man skills" is going to be in BIG trouble in the coming years.

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Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT Transhumansim

A Storm on the Horizon

— ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for the column — This is going to challenge your “normalcy bias”. And I state that, even after the three-years of unprecedented “challenged normalcy” has occurred in every area of our lives – this is still going to cause a common-sensical person to shake their head in disbelief.  While I assure you […]

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Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT Hegelian Dialectic Transhumansim

The Transhuman Dialectic – THE Right Major Crisis

This method has been used repeatedly to coerce the majority of people to move in a certain direction. A sort-of ‘socialistic cattle-prod’ that utilizes aspects of mind-control, social media and news media sources combined with deeply embedded social mores’ and hive-minded values. I have been speaking about this at churches and writing about it – […]

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Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT Biblical Doctrine BITCOIN and Crypto-Currency Transhumansim

The Coming Flood of AI – Resource Page

In 2017, I published a newspaper column by the same name, “The Coming Flood of AI” – and a companion piece prior to that: “We’re About to be Bitten by BITCOIN“ “The Coming Flood of AI: The Rise of the Nephilim Spirits” If you have not yet purchased a copy, you can order on Amazon […]

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