Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth)

Scripture states that “the earth is fixed and immovable” – it is also written that the SUN and the MOON were created on the fourth day, placed in THE FIRMAMENT – and the stars also. COPERNICAN Cosmology teaches that the sun (Helios) was created first and the earth and other planets formed after billions of years.
As a Bible Believing Christian – we should reject the heliocentric, Copernican model.

Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine

The 2020 “Star of Bethlehem”

There was a Saturnalia miracle in December of 2020 – the “Christmas star” was the talk-of-the-town as the reason for the season. Never mind that the actual star that guided the wisemen to Bethlehem and the child that would be the King of Kings and LORD of Lords – was an entirely different set of […]

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Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine True Doctrine

Ways to Prove the Earth is a Globe

“… yeah, good luck with that.” (The statement that I usually here whenever I tell someone “the earth is flat and immovable”) I am many times “perturbed” when a member of a closed group challenges the ideals of the group they have joined. One such group or type of group is a Facebook group called […]

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Aliens From Space Artificial Intelligence Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine BITCOIN and Crypto-Currency GeoEngineering - Climate Control Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect Transhumansim

Short-List of things YOU SHOULD KNOW in 2020

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life! – (KJV) If you don’t understand why I am displaying the painted billboard and scripture quote? – Grab a King James Bible, any age (my oldest is 110 […]

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Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine Chemtrails GeoEngineering - Climate Control Hegelian Dialectic

Solar Geoengineering and the Land of Fire

This entry is directly copied from an attachment and email from Paul Zeitzman – I have added video material(s) and additional information that support his writing To better understand what you are about to read – a few terms need to be clearly defined: ther·mo·dy·nam·ics/ˌTHərmōdīˈnamiks/ noun Another agenda behind solar geo-engineering – Paul Zeitzman writes: […]

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Aliens From Space Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine False Flag Events GeoEngineering - Climate Control Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect Transhumansim

Short-List for things YOU SHOULD KNOW in 2019

Numbers 23:22 God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn. – (KJV) This is one of thousands of examples of what has been called “the Mandela effected scriptures” or Quantum Effect of the Biblical scriptures. These supernatural changes to our Bibles have been occurring,  noticeably for over three […]

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Artificial Intelligence Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect

The Lying Wonders of Hacking Reality

DISCLAIMER: I have left the original text of this writing and other references to MANDELA EFFECT and/or QUANTUM EFFECT – intact. I have left it in this manner, even the statements that we KNOW are erroneous – to demonstrate the process that has been gone through to come to our current understandings.  It is now […]

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Aliens From Space Artificial Intelligence Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine False Flag Events Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect Transhumansim

Hard to Find Resources

Hard to Find Resources: Esoteric Teachings | Rare Lesser-Known Scriptures Based on Scripture | Transhuman Teachings | Historic Writings | Occult Understandings and Writings This is a list that links to published works that are terrific resources, sometimes hard to find and very important for the studied and literate believer: The Geneva Bible of 1560 […]

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Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine


FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION,  THE EARTH IS CONSISTENTLY DESCRIBED (BY HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED AUTHORS) AS: Fixed and not moving (spinning, orbiting, etc) Circular, with edges/corners/pillars/foundations, etc. Under a dome, within which the sun, moon and stars were placed on Day 4       According to the Bible, we live in a self-contained, three-tiered system […]

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Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth)

Flat Earth – What??

Why would the powers that be want to hide the true shape of the Earth or true model of the Universe…why?   To create hyper consumerism. To take God out of the equation of life. To hide our divinity or divine importance. To hide mankind as the center of the Universe. To promote the “Space […]

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Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) Biblical Doctrine True Doctrine

You Want the TRUTH? Can you Handle the TRUTH?

Do you REALLY WANT THE TRUTH? Even if it means that you may have many things that you have always believed – challenged?  Can you receive new information with an open, unbiased mind?    I am not asking you to turn off your mind and to turn-off all reason. On the contrary -THIS WILL REQUIRE […]

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