This is just a quick posting of some recent (re) discovery of published works over centuries past – that prove that the GEOCENTRIC/HELIOCENTRIC debate NEVER ended.
In or around 1931 a scientist by the name of Auguste Piccard (yes – a French-man) was the FIRST MAN to go into the stratosphere – in essence making him the first man into space.
He traveled into the upper atmosphere – via a balloon – inside a metal gondola. the effort was published in Popular Science in 1931 – here is a PNG file of the scanned magazine article.
A channel that I subscribe to – THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION – published a video today that talked about a book titled: FIFTY REASONS,Philosophy and Vain Deceit Or True Science? Which is Right? : the Bible and Practical Astronomy, Or the Babel of Theoretical, Poetical Newtonian Fiction : Here are Fifty Reasons for Believing the Bible —-
Quite a title – isn’t it? The book was published in 1915 and authored by F.E. Pasche – You can download the PDF here:
Pastor Dean Odle – from Fire and Grace church in Raleigh, North Carolina – http://www.deanodle.org/ – has been speaking for some time on proper Biblical Cosmology.
more to come…