“Augmentation is about looking to the future. Technology is rapidly redefining human existence. The question isn’t should we or shouldn’t we (augment), because it’s absolutely going to happen. Pacemakers, bionic limbs and implantable chips are the new norm. Augmentation is a basic human right.” –HumanXdesign.com
Here is the link to the original newspaper published version (pdf file)
IMAGINE THIS: H+ Version 2.1 has just been released. People are once again standing in line for over a week just to be first in line for the latest version. CNN and Fox News are showing 24/7 news reports of fights in the lines and people passing out because they haven’t eaten or drank water for a few days. The video cuts to images of activists demanding that Congress provide rights for everyone to have equity in access: The government must provide funding for everyone to receive the latest human-augmentation implant upgrades.
There is a good reason for the intense interest and fervor over the latest release. It is said that Version 2.1 fixed all of the bugs with people not being able to run more than three hours without crashing and/or getting visual – errors. Those errors caused people to become disoriented when the system rebooted. There was also the problem with voice commands that caused the visuals to turn on and block your view while driving down the freeway. This caused many people to be killed in horrific accidents, because they were staring at a Virtual Reality screen instead of the actual road. And they didn’t know it until they ran off of the road or crashed into another vehicle. While governments cannot pass laws fast enough to keep up with the pace of technological advances – they have passed laws granting prison inmates the right to receive their own, albeit limited, augmentation implants. The government decided that it would pacify prison inmates if they simply gave them the latest implant to pass-by the years of incarceration. Technology developers were very appreciative of the fact that inmates could also serve as test-subjects for any new release updates that could be potentially dangerous for the general public.
Does this read like a new SCI-FI book or movie? It’s not. It is the outcome of the latest developments in biotech. Human augmentation is truly on the move to becoming the NEW NORMAL. Not sometime in the near future – because it has actually been reality for years now. Mostly, it is the occasional limb replacement or heart valve. But now – people can opt to have implanted technology that enhances their physical and mental capabilities. Proof of these looming changes in society: The powers-that-be are working overtime to make sure that we have laws/guidelines in place to manage our next phase in DIRECTED human evolution called – TRANSHUMANISM. You can find a published ethical guidelines document from the Human by Design Conference: http://humanxdesign.com The direct link to the PDF – http://humanxdesign.com/downloads/080116-HXD-EFHA-%C6%92.pdf
If you want to better understand how all of this is coming about, it might help to know about some of the proponents of transhumanism and our future POST-human world. A Google search for “Ray Kurzweil” will result in more information than you could possibly ever sift through. Ray currently leads Google’s research arm for artificial brain technologies, genetic augmentation and Triple Helix bio-tech.
Dr. Kurzweil (he has received 12 honorary Doctorates) is one of the leaders in an effort called “The Singularity” – which is an event slated for the year 2045. According to many technological leaders, AI (artificial intelligence or artificial intellect) will be fully merged with mankind via brain implants, the Internet, bionic body components and genetic modifications like the TRIPLE HELIX – which will add an additional string of chromosomes to a person’s genetic code, enabling said person to be “permanently interfaced” with computer and Internet related technologies. Visit www.2045.com – push THE BIG BUTTON – and sign up for immortality. (You’ll understand when you visit the site.)
Other leading advocates for human enhancement technologies are Craig Ventor and Andrew Hessel, two names you should really get to know: J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., is regarded as one of the leading scientists of the 21st century and is the creator of a process that enables anyone with a laptop and a 3D printer to PRINT – synthetic life. “Yes, we can we create new life out of our digital universe.” Craig Venter states. He walks through his latest research and promises that we’ll soon be able to build and boot up a synthetic chromosome. Dr. Ventor’s group currently provides the relatively inexpensive technologies and teaches the procedures to children. Read his BIO here: http://jcvi.org/cms/about/bios/jcventer/
Mr. Hessel works for a company called AUTODESK – which is a leading CAD (Computer Aided Design) software company that has been around for decades. AUTODESK has now expanded its software development research in designing tools to “design” customized genetic sequences and create synthetic life. Mr. Hessel teaches that we can now “code life” much in the same way a video game is programmed. There are websites where you can post your own custom DNA sequence (create your own unique pet?) and the company will sequence and grow your organism and tell you if your “synthetic life” creation is viable and/or safe. There are websites where you can post your genetic modification creations, process your synthetic DNA into viable living organisms– and even share your work to FACEBOOK while at the site! Check out LUCIGEN – lucigen.com –
The ideals of directed evolution and changing the nature of life that includes genetically modifying all of mankind are all in the realm of “evil, mad scientists” – right? You may be surprised to find that there is a large Christian movement of leaders who advocate that it is our God given right to enhance ourselves.
(*note: These same leaders also advocate what is called “Christian Dominionism”)
- Christian Brugger is the Cardinal Stafford Professor of Christian Ethics at John Vianney Major Seminary in Denver, Colorado. He has a Ph.D in moral philosophy from Oxford and master’s degrees in philosophical and theological ethics from Seton Hall, Harvard, and Oxford Universities. Brugger has published over 200 articles in scholarly and popular periodicals and appeared on PBS covering numerous topics in ethics. Dr. Brugger believes that it is God’s plan and our calling to enable ourselves to live forever by our technological knowledge. We will have eternal life by “directed evolution”. It is humankind’s destiny and a basic human right to correct errors in our design. You might ask, “How could anyone believe that getting a technology enhancement to their body or mind is a human right?” – Have you heard the term “Universal Health Care”? One of the tenets of universal health care is that access to affordable health-care is a basic human right. When our physical and/or mental health is able to be corrected, managed and monitored by technological enhancements to our body, whether DNA modifications, replacement limbs, enhanced body functions, regrown and replaced organs or ENTIRE BODY REPLACEMENTS– human augmentation will be touted as a basic human right. There are Christian based schools and Universities that are encouraging new students to go into fields of study that include BIO-TECH and Genetic and synthetic life engineering – emphasizing that Christians should lead in the efforts that encompass Transhuman and human augmentation efforts.
All of the necessary components are being assembled: Bio-Tech to enable cellular modification at the genetic and molecular level, a vast and pervasive communications network to enable remote monitoring and control of such modifications, powerful tools like CRISPR that simplify the procedures (https://www.wired.com/2015/07/crispr-dna-editing-2/) , changes to our educational systems to teach the proper skills and a drafted set of moral guidelines are all coming together to create a world where you truly can become anything that you desire. And to some, that includes the idea of being a god! According to Physicist Richard Seed – we will – by our incredible knowledge and abilities – BECOME GODS. Mr. Seed also states that anyone that tries to stop him from becoming a god, he will go to war against them. How apropos – when you think about what Genesis 3:15 states about “seed”.
Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; thou shalt bruise his heel, and He shall crush they head.”
There are many Christians speaking out against the technological avalanche heading our way. There is a terrific Pastor turned researcher named Tom Horn who has been publishing books and videos for decades against the next age of “corrupted flesh” (Genesis 6 – the days of Noah). L.A. Marzulli is another. On YouTube there is a channel called NICHOLSON1968 who does excellent work explaining what this is all about. Also a channel called FACE LIKE THE SUN is an excellent resource. I would encourage you to check out these guys’s work.
If you have thought that the recent transgender issues were a big deal – You aint seen nuthin yet! There are some amazing upgrades coming to your PC – your very personal, computer. If you want to get an idea of where transhumanists want to take us, just check out the YouTube video:
2045: A New Era for Humanity.