“Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2
Is there anyone reading this – that have never heard the terms “the mark of the beast” or “six, six, six” or how about the “false prophet and the anti-Christ”? I would bet that everyone has heard these terms, even folks who don’t read the Bible. These terms are theme fodder for all kinds of sci-fi and thriller genre movies and can even be heard on the History channel from time-to-time.
This is a video of the teaching that I announced in this column that week
Generally speaking you can find these subjects mentioned in the Bible in a book called “Revelation” or the “Apocalypse of John” – which are also subjects for many a scary movie or hyped-up History channel program.
Did you know that many of the details of these Books of the Bible which were prophetic in nature, written about two thousand years ago are almost all coming to fruition over the past few decades?
If I were to ask you what animal represents the United States –what would you say? An Eagle – I’m sure.
Russia is represented by the bear, England (Great Britain) a lion and Germany is represented by the leopard. (that is the name of their very advanced tanks – as a nod to their moniker).
The Beast of Revelation is described as having the feet of a bear, the body of a leopard and the mouth of a lion. This was written 2000 years ago. Recently, a United Nations resolution made English the world’s language? Hmmm – isn’t English the language of England?
Thursday, November 29th 2011 – marked a prophetic event that most are not even aware of.
The United Nations voted to give nation-state status to the Palestinians who occupy and live in Gaza and East Jerusalem. What is disturbing about this – those areas are currently (were) part of Israel. Now that the United Nations has proclaimed a Palestinian state, Israel is an occupying aggressor towards the newly established land of Palestine. At some point this could give the United Nations World Court a reason to bring charges of “war crimes” against Israel. Add to this scenario the Agenda 21 “Responsibility to Protect” and the UN would be inclined to send NATO troops into Israel to put a stop to the UN’s so called Israeli aggression.
“Oh! C’mon Dave…” you are probably thinking. “I haven’t heard any of this in the news.”
Of course you haven’t. The last thing the world’s leaders want is a fully informed public that is able to think critically.
I promise – I am not being cynical OR speaking exaggerations. For the last 100 years the majority of Americans have been duped, kept in the dark, or otherwise deceived. Want to know more? Read on….
The Bible (in Revelation) describes a future that has a one-world religion, a one-world monetary system and a one-world government. You can also find descriptions of much of our current and near-future world condition detailed in the Book of Daniel.
In summary, the one-world religion aspect describes a false prophet, who seems like a holy man of God, rises up from within a “beast” (form of government) and causes the whole world to follow after – or be led by – a man the Bible calls the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ (mis)leads the whole world through deception and flatteries and what appears to be the miraculous performed by the false prophet.
The one-world monetary system is just that; a monetary exchange system that is used through-out the world. It is a system that uses a “mark” that is on the hand or forehead. Without it you cannot buy or sell. If you cannot buy, you can’t eat. If you cannot sell, you can’t work. Oh! And by the way – did you know that the AFFORDABLE HEALTH-CARE Bill (now a law – House Resolution 3962) has requirements for implementing an RFID chip in all health care recipients. The chip will help manage all patients’ data and also make allowances for people to pay instantly at the time of service. By using the RFID chip, the government will have instant access to your bank accounts. This will help to make our healthcare system very efficient and cost effective. Isn’t that terrific? I’m so glad we have the government to help us.
The “Registry” (that’s what it’s called in the law) that links all of your personal data to the device is detailed on page 1505 of HR3962. The real-time payment (or near real-time as it states in the document) is mentioned on page 77. Oh! – and the chip is also to be used for surveillance.
Many probably think that all of this religious mumbo-jumbo is either of no concern and I’m just a Jesus freak conspiracy kook or you think that it is all a hopeless situation when it does come to pass so why even bother thinking about it?
Look at it this way. If you had the task of going through a dangerous mine-field (which is a pretty good metaphor for living these days) don’t you think it would be easier if you had a map of the location of all of the mines?
This is why we must diligently read our Bibles and we must be fully informed and aware of what is going on in the world. But we cannot depend on the mainstream giants of media to inform us properly. We must do our own homework, which is no easy task. Especially when we are 100 years behind those who began all of these global governance efforts. I have been keenly aware of a few words from the Book of Daniel lately. It is regarding the end-times and really relates to what is going on in the world right now:
“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many” Daniel 11:32
That is what I am hoping to do in this column, when I attempt to inform you about technology and how it relates to our lives. Technology is an amazing tool, but in the hands of those who wish to do us harm, and being used against a people who generally do not understand its workings – it enables its wielders to do much harm against us.
Want to know more? Don’t forget to come out on December 11th and 12th and I’ll explain a little more in detail some of what is written here and God willing – give you instruction on how you can use technology to better inform yourself, your family and friends. It will be at the Fountain of Life church of God just down the road from the Chester County Detention Center on Dawson Drive.
David Beverley Sr. has over twenty-five years’ experience in researching, developing and supporting technology and seems to have an opinion on everything. Email questions and comments to: jesusfreakcomputergeek@gmail.com
SPIRITUAL SEEDS: Here is another blogsite with a piece titled “Lions and Leopards and Bears – OH MY!” – Some added insights.