Although the Bible does not refer to this being by that title, it is what most Christians choose to call him. The Bible however refers to him as “the beast”, that “man of sin”, or “the son of perdition”, amongst other names. There’s a great deal of misunderstanding about the nature of this being.
Like the myth of a talking snake and an apple in the Garden of Eden, the fallacy of the so-called anti-christ in a rebuilt Jewish temple originates from the same diabolical source to deceive the followers of Christ. Satan desires a Jewish temple about as much as a mortal man desires a wooden maniquin for a wife and a lover. The temple Satan wants to dwell in, is not a lifeless pile of stone, that’s as far fetched as the fable taught about the Garden of Eden ever since Sunday School. If you want to see the true Temple of God Satan wants to call his own, simply look in the mirror, it’s YOU! Satan wants to re-write the human genome “in his own Image, after his likeness”. And the “son of perdition”, whose coming is after the “genetic” workings of Satan will lead the way. In the last days, a mortal man will become a minority, so that if the Lord did not shorten those days (and put a stop to Satan’s agenda) no flesh would be saved. But for the elects sake those days shall be shortened. We are fast approaching the days of Noah our Lord said would precede the coming of His Kingdom on earth.
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
The following is a short condensation of a book, another in a series about the Garden of Eden and the Coming Anti-Christ to deceive the world. The book is well over 200 pages if you care to read it in full, it’s available at the following link. The author addresses many indepth theological and linguistic interpretations of scripture. Much of which is beyond my understanding. The following short condensation however I believe presents a plausible view of the future, rarely, if ever taught, about the number of the beast and his image.
A Beautiful Delusion
(The Coming Anti-Christ) by William Kinney
Hidden in the Hebrew scriptures is evidence that Adam and Eve were immortal and covered in light, just as God uses light as a covering for himself (Psalm 104:2). They were more than two unique individuals, their bodies represented a plane of existence that was an integral part of the fabric of Creation. The sin they committed changed their physiology and they became mortal. Because of their mortality; “God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” Gen 3:21 When God made these coverings of skin, did He slaughter animals, skin them, tan their hides, make thread, and then sew together some buckskin clothing? Or, does the term coverings of skin refer to the epidermal or outer layers of human skin. Skin that was added because without their covering of light they could not exist as mortals in the natural world.
Their offense was not only against God, it was against their own bodies and they altered their DNA. How else can we explain the fact that through heredity, we have shared in the penalty for their sins? The story of creation, the fall, redemption, and the coming anti-Christ; is all linked to the body and specifically – DNA.

In the year 2000, I read an interview Reader’s Digest magazine did with Dr. Francis Crick. He and Dr. Watson are credited with discovering the double helix structure of DNA. At the time, the Human Genome project was underway. Dr. Crick was asked about how many genes they had identified so far. He answered, 140,000 and we expect to find 4,000 more. I almost fell out of my chair! How could anyone miss the significance of that number?
This immediately changed my perception of certain scripture. In Revelation 7, 144,000 are sealed with the seal of God (in their foreheads). 144,000 stand on Mount Zion with Christ, having the name of God written in their foreheads. What if this number, instead of referring to a number of individuals, actually refers to the immortal life genome?
In other words, to be sealed by God is to have your genetic code supernaturally sequenced back to an immortal state. Since the human body (and its homeostasis) is a closed system, Adam and Eve did not destroy the genes that enable immortal life, they reorganized the sequence. This proprietary information was not annihilated, it was merely suppressed.
Life Extension Magazine interviewed Dr. Michael D. West about a breakthrough published in the journal “Regenerative Medicine.” He said (regarding immortality): “The goal of gerontology for many years has been to find the reason that our reproductive lineage continues to make babies generation after generation while the other cells in our body, called somatic cells, have a finite life span and are mortal,… The answer is that we come from a lineage of cells that have been proliferating since the dawn of life on earth. The cells that made us have no dead ancestors.”
We come from immortality, and much of the genetic research performed today is focused on immortality. New Scientist Magazine featured an article about Scientists at the University of Cambridge (UK), who have created a new way of using the genetic code: “[that] could eventually lead to the creation of new or improved life forms.”
One of these new life forms will be a triple helix structure, as featured in “Scientific American” magazine: Triple Helix: Designing a New Molecule of Life …a synthetic hybrid of protein and DNA,.. unlike anything found in nature. In the original immortal life genome, a double helix structure with 144,000 genes; means that both strands of DNA would have 72,000 (each). In a triple helix structure the number would be 216,000 (3×72,000). The earliest Greek manuscripts describe the number of the beast as 600, and 60, and 6. If we multiply 600 x 60 x 6, we arrive at the number 216,000. This is the number of “the beast,” it is his genetic code. Satan will use this synthetic genome to offer the people of earth, a counterfeit version of immortal life. It will be a Beautiful Delusion.
A unique body will once again play an important and special role in the end times, just as it did in the beginning of God’s creation. Satan, who once told Eve that she could become like “god,” will make the same offer to the people of earth – in the last days. His offer will be the offer of immortal life. With the help of medical science, specifically genetic technology, a form of immortal life will be made available through a process called “life extension therapy.” Sick and mutated genes will be replaced by healthy genes by way of nanotechnology; the lame will walk, the deaf will hear, the dead will come back to life! In the same way, the anti‑Christ (who once received a mortal wound) will LIVE AGAIN! All of these occurrences will completely mimic the work of God’s true Messiah. You can imagine the implications. If someone could escape pain and suffering, even death in this life (by using the immortal life therapy) would they have the faith to wait on Christ and believe in His promise of eternal life? What if this option was posed to the entire world in one great moment of decision? I speculate that many would have little to no apprehension accepting this offer. They will reason with themselves, this therapy will do so much good it must come from God!
Herein, is the strong delusion spoken of in 2nd Thessalonians -Chapter 2:
In the spring of the year 2000, I read an interview that Reader’s Digest magazine did with Dr. Francis Crick.
In 1953, he and Dr. Watson were credited with discovering the double helix structure of DNA. At the time of the Reader’s Digest interview, the Human Genome project was well underway. The objective of the project was to map the entire human genome, identifying the total number of genes and base pairs within the DNA structure. In the interview, Dr. Crick was asked about how many genes they had identified so far. He answered, ‘140,000, and we expect to find 4,000 more.’ Upon reading that statement, I almost fell out of my chair. How could the significance of that number be missed by anyone who reads their Bible? However, for the most part, Dr. Crick’s statement did go unnoticed. One possible reason for this can be found in the completion of the Human Genome project. In 2002, a PBS TV special aired saying that the Human Genome project was complete, and it was discovered that humans have between 80,000 and 85,000 genes, the same number of genes that Apes have. When I heard that number I immediately suspected a cover up aimed at protecting the Theory of Evolution. But the real significance behind the number 144,000 cannot be obscured by a lie. I will illustrate in this book, that the scriptures indicate quite plainly, the number 144,000, represents the number of genes that comprise the immortal life genome. Most everyone (I’m sure) is familiar with the double helix molecular structure of DNA. Each strand of the double helix is attached to a single molecule (known as a nucleobase). These molecules join together to form base pairs, which in turn make up a specific gene. This means that in a double helix structure containing 144,000 genes, each individual strand is connected to half the total number of genes (or 72,000). Keep that number in mind. In a 2010 article featured in New Scientist Magazine, Linda Geddes writes;
“Scientists at the University of Cambridge have created a new way of using the genetic code, allowing proteins to be made with properties that have never been seen in the natural world. According to Jason Chin and his colleagues from the university, the breakthrough could eventually lead to the creation of new or ”improved” life forms incorporating these new materials into their tissue.”
I’ve been following Dr. Chin’s research, and the research of other prominent scientists in the field of microbiology for several years. It seems to me that much of their research is aimed at creating artificial life, using a triple helix structure. Headlines like the one below (from Scientific American Magazine) are becoming more common place:
Triple Helix: Designing a New Molecule of Life Peptide nucleic acid, a synthetic hybrid of protein and DNA, could form the basis of a new class of drug ‑ and of artificial life unlike anything found in nature
This is important news because “the beast” (or Anti‑Christ) will be a triple helix creature. To calculate the number of the beast (anti‑Christ) use the same method I used earlier, separating the 144,000 genes into two single strands of DNA containing half that number (or 72,000). Then times that number by three (the triple helix will have three strands).
I arrive at the number 216,000.
In the earliest Greek manuscripts, Rev 13:18 describes the number of the beast as 600, and 60, and 6. Some manuscripts draw a line over the 666 instead. But if we use the earlier manuscripts, and multiply 600 times 60 times 6, we arrive at the number ‑ 216,000.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
600 x 60 x 6 = 216,000
This is the number of “the beast.” He is not a man, in the order created by God. The anti‑Christ is a wild beast, a triple helix creation of Satan. He will entice the people to take his immortal life therapy ‑ to live forever! But the scriptures say that those who take the mark of the beast, and alter their genome in the hope of obtaining an immortal life apart from Christ; will not be redeemed:
“If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Rev 14:9‑11 KJV
They are tormented for ever and ever. Not because the God of the Universe delights in their torment; but rather, because they changed their image and form into the immortal and unnatural genome of the anti‑Christ. They would not wait on Christ and his promise of eternal life.
And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. Rev 9:6 KJV
Have the people being referred to in this scripture verse above, partaken of the anti‑Christ’s life extension therapy and became “immortal?” Do they now regret changing their image into the image (genome) of the beast, and would prefer to die (but cannot)?
When the Word of God became flesh, what type of body did he inhabit? To be more specific, what was the homeostasis of his body, or how did his physiological system operate? The correct understanding of the physical nature of the body of Christ, is needed to comprehend the most important aspect of His mission as the Messiah of God; namely, how did he reverse the curse of sin and death (that we inherited from Adam and Eve)? It is this curse that separates us from the presence of God.
When Adam gave his authority over to Satan, what actually occurred was a legal transfer of power. After which, Satan constructed what can only be called a counterfeit reality. It is a counterfeit, because it exists in opposition to the Creator’s will. It is not a false reality because whatever happens here is real (in the full sense of the word) and affects all of creation in a dynamic way. Yet, it is not the reality our Creator planned for us in the beginning. If it were, then Christ would not have prayed to the Father, “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” obviously meaning that the Father’s will is not done on earth.
Within the parameters of his counterfeit reality, Satan, the master deceiver, has sent out many false teachers (both secular and religious) to confuse the people. They propagate lies and call it science; they teach false doctrines and call it true religion. They even appear to be sincere in their beliefs, but they have aided the enemy in this age old war; a war that is fought to control your thoughts and your mind (and ultimately your body). The weapons used in this warfare are words. Don’t be mistaken, there is real power behind the words we speak. We use letters to create words, and we call this practice ‑ “spell‑ing.” Even our English word “grammar,” which is defined as a set of language rules; comes from the 12th Century French word, “grammoire” (which is from a Latin root) and means, “Book (or rules) of Magic.” But what is a spell? Most people attach a negative connotation to the word, and rightly so. Yet the English word “gospel” is derived by combining the words “good‑spell.” A “gospel” can be used to proclaim the “good news,” or a spell can be cast through lies and deceit, using words to create suspicion and disbelief. By using the word “spell,” I’m not referring to witches standing around a cauldron, concocting a potion while mumbling an incantation. I’m referring to manipulation through the use of words. To create an idea (or an ideal) that doesn’t really exist (except for those who believe it to be true).
In Genesis Chapter 3 verse 1, the Hebrew word “haNachash,” which is translated as “serpent,” is not a noun. The presence of the definite article “ha” (meaning “the”) is the oldest known form in the Hebrew language used to indicate a personal name. The one speaking to Adam’s wife is a person by the name of “Nachash,” who has the character traits of a serpent. As a noun “nachash” means a snake (from its hiss). As a verb, “nachash means “to hiss,” (as in) to whisper a magic spell (an incantation), to enchant, to prognosticate. Each one of those definitions or synonyms involves manipulation through the use of words. That is precisely what took place in the Garden of Eden. It was the person Nachash, who gently persuaded Adam’s wife to consider her “other options.” He even had a prognosis for Eve, telling her that if she ate the fruit of knowing good and evil, she would “not surely die.” I don’t believe this was the first time or the only time that Eve spoke with haNachash. When he said to Eve;
“Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Gen 3:1KJV
He spoke the Hebrew words (spelt here phonetically),
“Ap’ kiy amar Elohim lo to’kaluw mikol ets hagan?”
The Hebrew prepositional prefix “kiy” indicates “casual relations of all kinds.” He is addressing Eve as someone he knows. By posing this question to Eve, Nachash began to challenge Eve’s perception of the truth, to help lay the foundation for his counterfeit reality. Satan needed to convert words into actions, but the scriptures are clear to point out that Satan could not have overpowered Adam and Eve by force. Satan had to accomplish this takeover through manipulation and deceit.
Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. Matt 12:29 (KJV)
The “binding” being referred to here can be literal, or it can be figurative in the sense of being “spellbound.” Spellbound, by definition, is a condition that exists when words are used to entice and fascinate someone, in order to elicit a response. The so called “victim” (or victims) in this scheme have participated voluntarily, and left themselves open to this manipulation. This is how Satan was able to usurp Adam’s authority. Adam was the strong man, and Satan spoiled his house. Why did Adam and Eve allow themselves to become victims? Simply because all of the participants in this deception wanted something else ‑ something more than what God in his wisdom had provided for them. It is for this reason we are instructed to cast down imaginations that oppose the truth before they become strongholds that must be ‑ pulled down. If they are not pulled down, we’ll start to believe in them, as if they are true. Be forewarned! Satan used his deception to bring God’s glorious creation down into a mortal form. In these last days, he will make mankind the same offer he used to deceive Eve,
“ye shall be as gods.”
The greatest test of all time awaits mankind right around the corner. Medical science, specifically biotechnology (with the assistance of nano‑technology) will reconstruct the gene sequence that enables immortal life. Man will finally be able to achieve his age old quest for immortality, apart from the work of Christ. God will allow this proprietary information to be used to bring about the strong delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians. This delusion will be made manifest so that the wicked;
“.. should believe a lie:” 2 Thess 2:11(KJV)
That lie will amount to this, the curse of sin and death has been reversed.
Mankind no longer has to wait on the out dated and obsolete promise of Jesus Christ. Science has taken from God that which is continual ‑ his self existent nature. We can have immortal life ‑ here and now! I have no doubt whatsoever that the Anti‑Christ will be the first one to benefit from this scientific medical advancement that will become known as “The Immortal Life Therapy.” The Creator’s Holy image, which he imprinted on our bodies and later called “His temple;” will be desolated (made barren) by the abomination (moral revulsion) known as the Son of Perdition or the anti‑Christ.
When Adam and Eve sinned and became mortal beings, God did not allow them to reach out and eat from the tree of life and live forever. (Gen 3:22). Instead, they were sent out from the Garden of Eden. God did not want Adam and Eve, in a corrupted and degenerate form, to become eternal beings that live in a state of wickedness, incapable of redemption. Yet that is exactly what will happen when the anti‑Christ inhabits the Creator’s Holy image (His temple) in an immortal form. At the heart of this delusion, will be the anti‑Christ’s ability to impart this immortality to others;
for a price.
All one has to do is; “fall down and worship the image” Dan 3:15 KJV
The sin cursed and mortal body of flesh will be synthetically converted by means of a genetic therapy into an immortal life. Man, who has been cut off from the tree of life since the Garden of Eden, will climb into paradise over the back wall ‑ just as Christ prophesied;
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold (immortal life) by the door (Christ), but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. (John 10:1‑2 NKJV)
[Notice that Jesus implies, there is some other way to climb in.]
The immortal life therapy will enable the lame to walk, the blind will see, the mute will speak, and those maimed will be made whole. This therapy will duplicate the work which was done by Christ.
And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus’ feet; and he healed them: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel. Matt 15:30‑31 (KJV)
The person who brings all of this to the people of earth ‑ will be nothing less than a Messiah. Just as it happened almost 2000 years ago, great multitudes will come unto the anti‑Christ, and shall wonder over his work. Only this “messiah” will be the Son of Perdition, and the god who sent him is the dragon of Revelation 13:4.
It will be a beautiful delusion.
Unlike any other ever seen before on earth.
Chapter One
The three distinct types of bodies are:
1. The Immortal Body ‑ This is the type of body that Adam and his wife possessed in the beginning. And most importantly, it was created in such a way that ‑ it did not have to die.
Yet, it was not an eternal body, or one that is self existent. There are important and real differences to be recognized between these two different bodies. This is a foundational truth.
2. The Eternal Body ‑ This is an added attribute that the immortal body can achieve to attain absolute permanent self existence, in the same sense as God himself possesses self existence. Does that mean we will become God? No. It means that we will share in the nature of God, and in his eternal life. While in the eternal body, our existence cannot be reduced, abated, or in any way diminished or ended. In the Garden of Eden, God enjoined Adam to reach out and eat of the “Tree of Life” and live eternally. Neither did Adam or Eve accept his offer.
The eternal body that Adam and Eve rejected is the type of body that Jesus obtained after his resurrection.
3. A Mortal Body ‑ This is the state of existence that Adam and his wife descended to once they introduced sin into their immortal beings. They were given a free will to accept or decline God’s offer for eternal life. Adam and his wife could not have been predisposed to sin. Neither did they want or lack for anything. Nor were they pressured in any way by their circumstances into making a hasty or untimely decision. If they were, then they did not truly possess a free will. It is this understanding that leads me to believe;
If Adam and Eve had never sinned, nor had ever eaten of the tree of life to live forever; they would still be here on earth, in our day and time; living in an immortal body.
There can be no other answer to this equation. Adam and Eve did not have to become eternal, neither did they have any type of degenerative weakness that in the process of time would lead them to age and eventually die.
When Adam gave his authority to Satan (the usurper) God did not simply appoint another ruler in Adam’s place. There was no second in command that would allow for a transfer of power and things to continue unchanged, just as they were before Adam sinned. This is because the physical bodies of Adam and Eve were an integral part of the structure of Creation itself.
How else can we explain the fact that when Adam and Eve changed their bodies into a mortal form, all of creation became subjected to mortality? There was something more at stake here than just a mere Title of Authority given to Adam by God; there was a complex and dynamic structure of order at work. When God rested from his creative work (on the seventh day) that order was in place and he declared it to be “very good.” In his superior wisdom and intellect, he saw everything that would happen in advance and planned for it. He doesn’t need to operate outside of his created order, to fine tune it or make periodic adjustments as things go along. The redemption of His creation would take place from within the framework and order that He created.
God has put in place certain physical and spiritual laws that He does not re‑write or set aside on occasion. When we were legally condemned to death through the mortality passed down from Adam and Eve, there was no escape or exemption available for whatever reason. Instead, God wrote a new decree saying that He would send His Messiah to reverse the law of sin and death; so that through His death and resurrection we could defend and preserve our life, by placing our trust in His provision. God planned in advance that one day, thousands of years after Adam and Eve, a descendant of Eve would produce an offspring which would perfectly replicate the genetic sequence for an immortal life. His body could not have contained the blood of mortal man, tainted by sin, but he contained “a holy blood” that had not existed since the first Adam. This blood (untainted by sin) could only be found in the immortal body of Christ. This offspring would be the Messiah of God.
All of this has an immediate bearing on our day and time. Appearing soon in these last days is the prophesied anti‑Christ or “Son of Perdition.” The word anti‑Christ means “in place of,” or “instead of Messiah.” This is a bold term to use! How could anyone realistically present themselves to be in place of the historic person known as Yeshua HaMashiyach or Jesus the Christ? This term “in place of” carries more weight than just describing someone who has a dynamic and charismatic personality, coupled with a new philosophy or religious insight. It describes someone who can decisively mimic the life and ministry of the true Messiah. Not in a superficial way, like the Syrian General Antiochus Epiphanies did when he defiled Solomon’s temple. I’m referring to someone who can defile the true Temple of God by corrupting his image through genetic engineering. By creating a man made being that possesses immortal life ‑ apart from the self existent One (who is God).
Antiochus may have named himself “Theos epiphanies” or “god made manifest,” but everyone knew he was a mere mortal who eventually died. The true Son of Perdition must be immortal, and he must be able to offer his followers immortality; in the same way that Jesus offers all those who believe in him ‑ eternal life. Anything less would only be a cheap imitation. All of our genetic research and Bio‑technology from the past 60 years has been headed in one direction; the pursuit of immortal life; the ultimate power ‑ the power of GOD ALMIGHTY. It is now within our grasp. More likely than not, it has already been achieved (but there has been no public announcement).
Immortal life is also the real issue behind the “falling away” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. (The same falling away that precedes the second coming of the Messiah). This “falling away” or defection from the true faith, warned of by the Apostle Paul, occurs almost simultaneously with the appearing of the Son of Perdition. The relationship between the two events cannot be separated by years. The “falling away” has never been about a slowly advancing lukewarm attitude that would creep into the Church over a period of decades or even centuries. This “falling away” will occur in a decisive and single moment in time; when through the advancement of Medical Science a genetic therapy will come available which will enable people to live an immortal life. This will be a defining moment in everyone’s life. Those people who confess God to be their Father, and Christ to be their Messiah; will have to make a choice between two offers. Do I accept this miracle of Medical Science, a genetic therapy that has brought about immortal life? Or does my faith dictate that I should die in hope of the resurrection? Many will reason and rationalize with themselves about the apparent good this therapy does. The sick are healed, the lame walk, the blind see, and the deaf hear! Even the recent dead have been restored to life. The aging process itself has been reversed! TV shows and News reports will undoubtedly portray this therapy as a miracle, a gift from God. Even teachers and preachers will say, ‘this therapy has done so much good it could only be from God!’ That is the essence of a strong delusion; the ones who are being deluded convince themselves otherwise. Henceforth be forewarned, if you take the Immortal Life Therapy, you will be forever genetically changed into something other than a mortal man!
I will make a mortal (‘iysh) more rare than fine gold, a man (aw dawm) more (rarer) than the golden wedge of Ophir. (Isaiah 13:9‑12)
A true human being, in the order created by God, will be a minority among the trans‑humans about to fill our modern world.
The following are more excerpts from the book
The actions of Adam and Eve crossed the boundary (or genetic “fence”) set up by the creator that each thing should reproduce after its own kind. Eve (of one species) created an offspring from a different species. The genetic transmutation that resulted was named “Cain,” and his fraternal twin brother was named Abel.
When these two separate species commingled, they were both removed from the Garden of Eden for corrupting the fabric of God’s creation. Scientists of our day, who are trying to create a new type of man; a trans human (or hybrid) are corrupting the same law that closed off the Garden of Eden, and eventually lead to the great flood.
In contemplating the physiology of the immortal body I have to wonder, did Adam and Eve possess the same internal organs we have today? In light of that question, which organs will we possess in our resurrected or glorified bodies? Our internal organs exist primarily to supply oxygen to the brain, and deliver nutrients to our body (while eliminating impurities). But when we live in an eternal body, one that is free from impurity, why would we need most of them, or any of them for that matter? I’d much rather have a body of flesh and bone, filled with the water of life; energized by God’s self existent energy, and covered in His light!
Only one time before his resurrection, did Jesus reveal his true physical nature, and that was on the Mount of Transfiguration, when he appeared covered in light. Otherwise, he subdued this light in order to appear in “the likeness of (mortal) man.”
The temple that Christ referred to has already been rebuilt. The dwelling place of God is now the physical body of each one of His children.
While it might seem disconcerting to think of the body mainly as a mechanism for passing down the germ plasm (to the next generation); the fact is, this is exactly what has occurred. The germ plasma has always kept its integrity intact, by staying isolated from the body cells. It has been kept in its original immortal form, passed down from the first woman Eve, in an unbroken chain, through generations of women until it reached Mary, the mother of Messiah. The germ plasm itself, has never inherited the morto‑genic (or death) factor. The germ cells are immortal.
Just as August Weisman pointed out, a fertilized ovum forms a group of germ cells, which in turn causes the production of body cells. There is a certain group of body cells known as stem cells, which can regenerate tissue function, but only for a short period of time. As Dr. West explains; “…in the case of humans, adult stem cells all appear to be mortal.” So, the idea behind “turning back the clock in human body cells” is to return them to their previous state as germ cells. He goes on to say;
“The problem with human biology is that the immortal reproductive cells that built you and me develop into differentiated cells within our bodies and as a result, lose the capacity to proliferate (divide) forever. So, the cells of the body are mortal, meaning they have a finite life span, and as our tissues age, or deteriorate from disease, our body has a finite capacity to regenerate and repair those tissues. As a result, we suffer progressive declines in function that lead to our death.”
The goal of gerontology for many years has been to find the reason that our reproductive lineage continues to make babies generation after generation while the other cells in our body, called somatic cells, have a finite life span and are mortal, or, in other words, to discover the reason (why) babies are born young. The answer is that we come from a lineage of cells that have been proliferating since the dawn of life on earth. The cells that made us have no dead ancestors. (Emphasis added)
So, the goal has been to discover a way of transferring the immortality of reproductive cells, into the body, in order to increase the potential life span of individual human beings. If we can learn the lessons of how our reproductive lineage has been creating babies for millions of years to continue the human species, we should be able to design medical therapies to allow the human body to regenerate itself and escape the genetic boundaries of human life.” (In other words ‑ escape death)
Dr. West confirms the scientific fact behind our origin as a species, we come from immortality. Or, as he put it, “the (germ) cells that made us “have no dead ancestors.”
Herein lies the hope of mortal man in the simplest of terms, we should be able to design “medical therapies” to “escape the genetic boundaries of human life.” I predict that this medical therapy will be known as the “Immortal Life Therapy,” or; Your door to immortality.
The final abomination refers to a genetically engineered creature who is immortal. Bio‑engineers will create a back door to immortal life, which will appear to be a gift from “God.”
Ever since the first sin, the penalty for sin has been death; to be cut off from the tree of life with no chance to inherit eternal life (outside of the redemptive work of Christ). The immortal life therapy will cancel out the penalty for sin. By doing so, it will render the work of Messiah to be of no effect. In the kingdom of anti‑Christ, there will be no need for a Messiah or Redeemer. Immortal life will be obtained by our New Age god, the god of Medical Science. Those who do not belong to God, and do not seek His truth, will accept this offer. They will be lead to believe it has the everlasting power to deliver them from death. The unbeliever will take this therapy because he or she does not believe there is a Creator or a judgment day. Those who have been sealed with the mark of God will reject this offer and all others that attempt to make them deny their faith.
The offer of immortal life, will lead to the “falling away” spoken of in Thess 2. The term “falling away,” which means a “defection from truth,” was never intended to describe a slow decline in faith that would take place over an extended period of time. For example, the decline of a spirit filled church into a lukewarm church. Or in a greater sense, the worldwide decline of Christendom into a state of global Humanism (although these long term defections are a precursor). The falling away referred to here will be relatively quick, occurring over a short period of time. This will happen when those who profess to believe in Jesus the Messiah will drop their so‑called “faith” to embrace the anti‑Christ’s immortal life therapy. This is all it will take to separate the sheep from the goats. It will become evident who belongs to God, and who belong to Satan.
The children will believe by faith that eternal life comes only from the Father. We should be mindful of the fact, in the face of this challenge; that although we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it is only its shadow. We will never see death.
The Coming Kingdom of anti‑Christ.
This “strong delusion” spoken of in Thess 2:11, will be much more than a mere man walking into Solomon’s rebuilt stone temple and declaring himself to be “God.”
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. II Th 2:3‑4
Look at a break down of the original Greek word meanings of 2Th 2:2;
So that he [ a reflexive pronoun]
as God [“theos,” a deity]
sitteth [“kathiz,” to seat down, to sit, to settle (hover, dwell)].
in the temple [“naos,” to dwell; a fane, shrine, temple].
of God, [“theos,” a deity]
shewing [“apodeiknumi,” to show off, exhibit; to demonstrate.himself [ a reflexive pronoun]
that he is [“eimi,” emphatic, I exist (as)]
God [“theos,” a deity]
The temple of God ‑ is the human body.
The important distinction made here (in the wording) between the Son of Perdition and those who merely claim to be “a god” (like Antioch Epiphanies) is that the Son of Perdition will show everyone that “he exists as a deity.” He will not only say these words, but he will demonstrate it to the world, “I exist as God.” How can someone prove they are a deity? There can be only one answer, the anti‑Christ will be immortal. And he will be able to impart this immortality to others, by way of a scientific miracle. Anyone whose name is not written in the Book of Life, will worship him for this achievement and his ability. Just think of it; Satan is so vain in his quest to be like God, he’s writing his own, “Book of Life.” In it are the names of everyone who signs up for his immortal life therapy. More than likely, once a person begins the 666 gene therapy treatments, they will become dependent upon drugs and a therapy that can’t be stopped. Perhaps such is the case with those being referred to in Rev 16:10:
The Temple of God is the body made in his image. Both Satan and man have desecrated God’s Holy image by manufacturing a counterfeit body that is immortal.
You can imagine the slick advertising that big Pharma will put on TV. There will be carefully selected scenes of children that were diseased and deformed; hurt and injured, being miraculously healed. Video images on the six o’clock news of a child killed in an accident being brought back to life with the Immortal Life therapy. Imagine, never getting sick. Never having to die! How could any parent deny their child the right to live healthy, and to live ‑ forever. Simply put, they won’t be able to! In fact, look at how individual States in the U.S., in the past 30 years, have taken a more prominent and forceful role in asserting “their rights” over parental rights. Once this therapy is available, it will become the law of the land, and part of the United Nations “Children’s Bill of Rights.” Parents will not have a choice but to administer this to their children. If you are among the minority who refuse, get ready to hide your children, you will all be fugitives from “justice.” Think it can’t happen here in the USA? In 2004, Judge Sharon J Whitwell of Lamar County in the State of Georgia; had the Donehoo’s children taken into custody by DFACS (The Department of Family and Children Services) and forcible vaccinated. This was done in spite of the fact that the parents had the State required vaccination exemption documents at the Court. Dissention will not be tolerated. You must comply.
How much will the people on earth pay to receive this “immortal life?”
The Pharmaceutical companies will gladly step in and become the supplier and worldwide distributors of the Anti‑Christ’s miracle therapy. A large segment of the world’s population already accepts medications, treatments, and therapies as a part of everyday life. We have been conditioned to trust Doctors and Health Care professionals from the very beginning, starting with our childhood vaccinations. Even though some of those vaccinations are under suspicion of causing Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder. Not to worry though; the
Pharmaceutical Companies have created medications for both of those disorders.
Satan will use this opportunity to enable him self and others to live in a sinful immortal body of flesh. This is the exact thing that God condemned in the Garden of Eden by not allowing Adam and Eve to reach out and eat from the Tree of Life, while they were in a sinful state. This is how Satan will “throw down” the foundation of God’s temple. He will defile the “temple,” the body of man which is made in God’s image. Every believer should come to a place in their faith where they are not afraid to die. I’m not referring exclusively to a martyr’s death, but also the temptation to avoid even a natural death, when the option to obtain immortal life (apart from Christ) becomes available during the tribulation.
1. Principles of Bio‑technology ‑ www.biotech.iastate.edu /biotech_info_series/bio1.html
2. Changing stem celles into sperm and eggs. Article originally published in the journal Nature.
med.stanford.edu/ism/20 09/october/germ‑cells.html [stem cells into sperm
www.reuters.com/article /idUSTRE59R4V520091028 [stem cell research]
3. Map of Old Jerusalem, University of Texas at Austin. Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1923‑26)
4. Blood chart ‑ www.web‑books.com/MoBio /Free/Ch1B5.htm (Blood antigens)
5. Excerpts from the Book of Enoch ‑ www.heaven.net.nz/writi ngs/thebookofenoch.htm
6. Life Extension Foundation ‑www.lef.org/magazine/m ag2010/jun2010_Immortal‑Stem‑C ells‑for‑Anti‑Aging‑Therapies_ 01.htm (Michael West)
7. Picture of High Priest’s garments
www.biblepicturegallery .com/free/screen‑sized%20pictu res.htm200 free pictures from thousands at the Bible Picture Gallery
8.. Excerpts from, The Creation Story Copyright 1999 Bill Kinney
9.. Gospel of Thomas, The Nag Hammadi Library
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