

Lacking Knowledge Keeps Us from Discerning Good from Evil

“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food.  For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.  But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that […]

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Black-White, Left-Right

A response to a post questioning the problems with Republicans vs. Democrats: no offense man – but we need to get our heads/minds out of the left/right – republican/democrat — US and THEM – mentality —- The Russian government and US government and Chinese and Mexican and Canadian — on and on — are ALL […]

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Biblical Doctrine Uncategorized

Memorial to a True Friend

“A true friend knows all about you and loves you anyhow.”    Author Unknown Being a member of a household with many kids was always a comfort to me, growing up. I was the oldest of four siblings, and later five siblings, when at seventeen years old, my baby brother Lil’ Mac was born. We […]

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This is for the Doubters and Naysayers…

Link to list of some of the field-science work that I provided support for – at the bottom of this post If you find ‘broken video links – it is because my original YouTube channel (10k subs) was deleted for telling people to pray about COVID – during the height of the PLANDEMIC. I try […]

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Cell-Phones: You Can Even Make Calls with These Things

   “My cell-phone is my best friend; it’s my lifeline to the outside world”   Carrie Underwood – Country Music Artist   I was giving some thought to how some people use their phones for their PRIMARY access to internet  and browsing/email and assorted other “internet related”  functions/activities  that are usually performed on  a PC or […]

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PLEASE READ THIS WITHOUT A “FLIPPANT TONE” or “COCKINESS” -If you knew me – you would understand that THAT is not my nature. This post is taken from a response to a newbie member of a FLAT EARTH GROUP ON FACEBOOK. https://youtube.com/watch?v=RMXoMhIWc9M I am seeing that a bunch of HELIOCENTRIC , brain-washed people who are […]

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Welcome to my blog!

The basic premise (or reason for being) — Technology through-out the Ages   and its REAL EFFECT on humankind with a Biblical world-view at its core. Some of the “subject tabs” (categories   or whatever  this thing morphs into????) Flat Earth  |   Quantum Effect  |  AI – AGI – Artillect    |   Targeted Individuals   |   Medicine   |   Our […]

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