Transhumanism could fall under the AI categories, Biblical doctrine categories, Hegelian Dialectical category, Chemtrail subjects and more! –
Transhumanism is Genesis 6 Version 2 – Just as Jesus said: “As it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be when the Son of man returns…”
A Storm on the Horizon
— ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for the column — This is going to challenge your “normalcy bias”. And I state that, even after the three-years of unprecedented “challenged normalcy” has occurred in every area of our lives – this is still going to cause a common-sensical person to shake their head in disbelief. While I assure you […]
Read MoreThe Transhuman Dialectic – THE Right Major Crisis
This method has been used repeatedly to coerce the majority of people to move in a certain direction. A sort-of ‘socialistic cattle-prod’ that utilizes aspects of mind-control, social media and news media sources combined with deeply embedded social mores’ and hive-minded values. I have been speaking about this at churches and writing about it – […]
Read MoreThe Coming Flood of AI – Resource Page
In 2017, I published a newspaper column by the same name, “The Coming Flood of AI” – and a companion piece prior to that: “We’re About to be Bitten by BITCOIN“ “The Coming Flood of AI: The Rise of the Nephilim Spirits” If you have not yet purchased a copy, you can order on Amazon […]
Read MoreThe Soon Coming Antichrist
Triple Helix: Designing a New Molecule of Life …a synthetic hybrid of protein and DNA,.. unlike anything found in nature. In the original immortal life genome, a double helix structure with 144,000 genes; means that both strands of DNA would have 72,000 (each).
Read MoreDon’t Kill the Messenger
“If you can hack the rules of mRNA, “essentially the entire kingdom of life is available for you to play with” Stephen Hodge – President of Moderna The recent news release about Moderna Pharmceutical’s experimental coronavirus vaccine states: “Moderna Inc. said its experimental coronavirus vaccine was 94.5% effective at protecting people from Covid-19 in […]
Read MoreThe Transforming Light of mRNA and Quantum Dots
Be not conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God Romans 12:2 I would imagine that anyone reading this has noticed that 2020 has been an exceptional and memorable year, with many […]
Read MoreWe Are The New-World Order
these events are being used to corral us into accepting the proposed “new” world order. Out of desperation, many will accept anything and/or anyone who seems to have an answer to bring peace and security amid the chaos of this world.
Read MoreShort-List of things YOU SHOULD KNOW in 2020
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life! – (KJV) If you don’t understand why I am displaying the painted billboard and scripture quote? – Grab a King James Bible, any age (my oldest is 110 […]
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence is Not Human Intelligence
That statement is a given in the minds of those who interface with, program with and use – Artificial Intelligence. As we all begrudgingly march into a wondrous future of an AI controlled world (we are already controlled by AI – but that is an entirely separate subject) – how is it that no-one asks […]
Read MoreLions and Leopards and Bears – Oh My!
“Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2 Is there anyone reading this – that have never heard the terms “the mark […]
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