Month: September 2018

Biblical Doctrine
Hegelian Dialectic
What Was Shall Be: The Days of Noah
“The one thing that differentiates the days of Noah from any other time in history is the mixing of seed, resulting in the creation of hybrids.” ― Rob Skiba, Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim Genesis 6 tells us of the days of Noah prior to the flood (because Noah also lived […]
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Artificial Intelligence
Biblical Doctrine
Quantum (Mandela) Effect
A Demonic Divination Device for Every Home
“Quantum computing and AI … is the return of the GREAT OLD ONES… They’re not evil, they simply regard us in much the same way we (dis) regard an ant. They just don’t give a (*expletive*) about us” – Dr. Geordie Rose of D-Wave quantum computers and KINDRED.AI Here is a recent conversation about “Demonic […]
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