The basic premise (or reason for being) —
Technology through-out the Ages and its REAL EFFECT on humankind
with a Biblical world-view at its core.
Some of the “subject tabs” (categories or whatever this thing morphs into????)
Flat Earth | Quantum Effect | AI – AGI – Artillect | Targeted Individuals | Medicine | Our Food | Geoengineering of our Atmosphere | Aliens from Space | False Flags | Hegelian Dialectic | The gods – Myths? | Age of Deception | Transhumanism |
( that may cover them all?)
I hope to show how much all of these are “inter-connected” — and how in the end all of the world’s population are being corralled into a unified system of governance, finance and total systematic control of all people
In many ways – we may already be there…
The LORD – YHVH – bless you and keep you!