If you are on this blog – it probably comes as no surprise to you that every aspect of our lives in this “crazy – upside down and backwards world” – is being sifted through. Analyzed as it were.
It is not a big room full of humans that are monitoring us – don’t be silly. That idea is SO PASSE’
it is AI or AGI – Artificial General Intelligence. I am posting an experience I had today that is a great and somewhat, common – story these days.
OK – SO try to follow this now – OK?
I had a conversation with my Father-in-Law today (who is also a friend and brother in Christ) — He and I talk about extremely esoteric ideals of all things spiritual – and I reminded him about something that he said months ago – when I started telling him about QE — he said “they’ve always been doing that…” — I told him today that I realized that through-out our lives – whenever we have had a “dejavu” event – that it wasn’t just our minds playing a “trick on us” — that it was – in fact – A SHIFT — subtle – and relatively unnoticeable – mostly unnoticeable because of the low-level of events – they were infrequent. BUT NOW – because satan knows he has but a short time – HE HAS RAMPED IT UP! We are living with a barrage of changes/shifts – in “reality” — and because of that many of us are taking note of it. I told him that we are living in a barrage of Dejavu —- I then begin to tell him that AI – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE are monitoring our conversations. (not a bunch of people in a room full of computer monitors) AI is sifting through and “learning us” — evaluating what we do each and every day. And then – TONIGHT – a woman in a closed group posted an “odd video” (like we have never seen odd videos?) — and what do ya know????? guess what the interviewer said on the video?
“I feel like I am living in a constant barrage of de ja vu” !!!!!
Imagine that …
This is the video – and I have set it to start at the segment where the interviewer makes the dejavu statement. approx: 1 hr 33 mins in
I should mention that I don’t necessarily agree with what this video (supposedly) postulates: Time travelers and what-not — (I don’t disagree either – just unsure) — but I am just showing what took place after I had an otherwise “private conversation” —
The LORD bless you and keep you!