Year: 2017

Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT BITCOIN and Crypto-Currency Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect

The Coming Flood of AI

“With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon – Didn’t work out.” – Elon Musk, speaking at MIT October, 2014   Here are a few associated files that you might want to use […]

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Artificial Intelligence - AI, AGI - Artificial General Intelligence and ARTILECT BITCOIN and Crypto-Currency Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect

We’re About to get Bitten by BITCOIN

 “A.I. writes its own code… No one understands how it works…. No one in the entire world can hack into the chat room where AI talks to other AI in private.” – Quinn Michaels of    (Here is a link to a PDF of the newspaper published column)             […]

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This is for the Doubters and Naysayers…

Link to list of some of the field-science work that I provided support for – at the bottom of this post If you find ‘broken video links – it is because my original YouTube channel (10k subs) was deleted for telling people to pray about COVID – during the height of the PLANDEMIC. I try […]

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Artificial Intelligence Hegelian Dialectic

Upgrading the Human Computer

  “Augmentation is about looking to the future. Technology is rapidly redefining human existence. The question isn’t should we or shouldn’t we (augment), because it’s absolutely going to happen. Pacemakers, bionic limbs and implantable chips are the new norm. Augmentation is a basic human right.” –   Here is the link to the original newspaper […]

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Artificial Intelligence Hegelian Dialectic

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Can You Tell the Difference?

  This was published originally in 2012 (in my local newspaper)   but a recent piece by TRUTHSTREAM MEDIA – the husband/wife team who do terrific work exposing the deceptions of our world – compelled me to revisit the subject.   I am opening this piece with the original writings (maybe a few edits) and […]

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Aliens From Space Chemtrails False Flag Events GeoEngineering - Climate Control Hegelian Dialectic Quantum (Mandela) Effect Transhumansim

Short-List for things that YOU SHOULD KNOW in 2017

Some wait for the coming GREAT DECEPTION. There’s no need to wait.   We are all born into it.  The GREAT DECEPTION IS HERE ALREADY.    “I don’t see it.”  You may think? – isn’t that the whole point of deception? Before you scoff at ANYTHING posted here – DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH FIRST.   […]

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Biblical Doctrine Flat Earth


FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION,  THE EARTH IS CONSISTENTLY DESCRIBED (BY HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED AUTHORS) AS: Fixed and not moving (spinning, orbiting, etc) Circular, with edges/corners/pillars/foundations, etc. Under a dome, within which the sun, moon and stars were placed on Day 4       According to the Bible, we live in a self-contained, three-tiered system […]

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Flat Earth

Flat Earth – What??

Why would the powers that be want to hide the true shape of the Earth or true model of the Universe…why?   To create hyper consumerism. To take God out of the equation of life. To hide our divinity or divine importance. To hide mankind as the center of the Universe. To promote the “Space […]

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Artificial Intelligence Biblical Doctrine Transhumansim

Life Without God: “Let Us Cut the Cords…”

Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,  “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”   One of the things that I find […]

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Cell-Phones: You Can Even Make Calls with These Things

   “My cell-phone is my best friend; it’s my lifeline to the outside world”   Carrie Underwood – Country Music Artist   I was giving some thought to how some people use their phones for their PRIMARY access to internet  and browsing/email and assorted other “internet related”  functions/activities  that are usually performed on  a PC or […]

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