The Genesis 6 Experiment –

“I was born a human but this was an accident of fate… since childhood I’ve been captivated by the study of robots and cyborgs. Now I’m in a position where I can actually become one.” – Kevin Warwick – Cyborg 1.0 (

Not too long ago I did a piece that demonstrated how the theory of evolution is actually not a scientific pursuit but more akin to an exercise of faith.              (that was in  Kill the Root and Kill the Tree )  

If we were to study religions, we’d discover that every religious sect has a central figure or ideal that defines the core belief system of that religion. In regards to recent developments in evolutionary science, evolution can be defined as the epitome of “new age secular humanism,” which is just another false religion.

Allow me to explain:

Evolution, once the faith of chance and billions of years, has now evolved into a new scientific endeavor – directed evolution. Directed evolution ideals teach that because mankind has increased in knowledge, we have now evolved to a point where we can take charge of our own physical and mental evolution by manipulating our genetic makeup. Through directed evolution, mankind can change itself into whatever form it might desire. Through the application of the science of genetic engineering, computer technology, robotics and other technologies, we can, through our greatly evolved intellect, turn mankind into what is called “H+” or transhuman.

You can check out the H+ ideals at http://

According to world renowned scientists and engineers, we will continue in our efforts of directed evolution and will, within 30 years, become POST human. Within the community of directed evolutionists, there is a real plan to create an artificial intellect (AI – also called “artillect”).  The artillect will be connected via the Internet to all knowledge and to the minds of every other “post-human” who has been genetically altered and engineered. It is speculated that the artillect will be – god – knowing everything. The culmination of this directed evolutionary plan is called “The Singularity.”

You can visit        to find out more about the singularity. Here’s a quote from the director of engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil:

“I set the date for the Singularity, representing a profound and disruptive transformation in human capability, as 2045. The non-biological intelligence in that year will be one billion times more powerful than all human intelligence today.”

I can imagine that many of you reading this are thinking that this all sounds like the plot of a grand science fiction movie. I assure you – it is not! While we sleep, there is a concerted effort towards the demise of all of human kind. But our demise will not be in the manner that so many of us have been conditioned to imagine – nuclear war, disease and the like. As the late sociologist and philosopher Julian Huxley once stated, “It’s not what we hate that will destroy us, but what we love.”

One of the things the majority of us love is technology. Just look around these days and you will notice that everyone is enamored with their smart phones. It’s not so much the phone that we are enamored with, though. It is the permanent connection to everything. We “freak out” if we miss a phone call or e-mail or Facebook post. Maybe this generation isn’t completely lost or taken over by this mentality, but the next generation most certainly is. My daughter has never known a time when she could not speak face to face with her dad – at any moment – regardless of where I am.

Continuous and constant connectivity to everyone is a norm to this generation. This constant connectivity may now be through a device of some kind or other, but through efforts like the brain/computer interface, that is soon to change. Does that sound “too far-fetched?” Consider that President Obama recently announced additional funding for brain computer interface technologies to be used by returning soldiers who were sufferers of traumatic stress syndrome. The idea is that such a chip implant could control a person’s memory of traumatic events and in addition could “feed” new, happy ideas into a person’s brain. The old adage “think happy thoughts” can now be achieved through a brain/computer interface chip. Ain’t technology grand?

And then there is the genetically engineered creation of the “triple helix.”     You probably have not heard of this, but you may have heard in the news that genetic engineers have now helped to create babies with three parents.              I would add some URLs for more information, but simply Google “baby with three parents” if you didn’t hear about this on the news.

In genetics, our genes are comprised of two twisted pairs of 23 chromosomes (summarizing for simplicity and brevity). This is called a double helix, what all genes are comprised of. Today – through the miracle of modern science, geneticists have devised a way to add a third spiral to the double helix, creating a triple helix (ain’t math fun?) This triple helix would have computer code in it that could, in real time, monitor our health, monitor our location and help us to communicate over great distances without a device – just use your new triple helix brain cells!

Makes me think of the scripture in Daniel 2:43 – “And as you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the descendants of men: but they shall not hold one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” In summary – through the ideals of directed evolution, we can now technologically and genetically change all of humankind into an “advanced form of life” that is no longer human. In the minds of evolutionists, “we can improve upon God’s faulty design, empower our minds, end disease and live forever.”

But this is not actually something new – it is a repeat of events that happened in the days of Noah.

It was the Genesis 6 experiment – when fallen angels helped all of mankind to “corrupt all flesh.” It was the reason, for a very rainy season, that God was sorry He had ever made man.

I am posting a few URLs to videos on transhumanism by a guy named “Gonzo Shimura,” whom I learned a considerable amount from over the years. He has an excellent site on YouTube called “Face Like the Sun.”

I will try to have more referenced material on a playlist for this column on my YouTube site – Jesusfreakcomputergeek.

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: Would You Live For 10,000 Years? CAl1Pbi8y-0

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: Eliminate Suffering?                TRvB6m-9HXA

DIGITAL HAPPINESS, TED 2 and CHAPPIE!                               UAMCn2Cd-J4


RADICALLY - a Christian, Constitutional, Conservative who is married with children. When I became a Christian, I had no clue what God had in store for me. I once prayed that God would show me "the secret things" - Holy Spirit very soon after showed me the coming "alien deception" - and the proverbial levy broke! - This website demonstrates a small portion of what a life spent listening to the still small voice of Holy Spirit - has opened my eyes to. I am a professional, award-winning musician, composer and a leader in technology - having worked for 12 years at NASA. I also paint and draw, build things like chicken coops and arbors - and believe that a man who doesn't know how to fix anything or has no "handy-man skills" is going to be in BIG trouble in the coming years.

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