Why would the powers that be want to hide the true shape of the Earth or true model of the Universe…why?
- To create hyper consumerism.
- To take God out of the equation of life.
- To hide our divinity or divine importance.
- To hide mankind as the center of the Universe.
- To promote the “Space Myth” for profit, keeping all the space programs going all over the world.
- To Create a fear based world, comets hitting us, the ball Earth blindly hurdling through space.
- To perpetuate the profit of Dinosaurs and the scarcity of oil so called fossil fuels.
- To keep Darwinism and the Big bang as current truth and not pure theory.
- To hide whats beyond the arctic ice wall.
I have been having fun looking into the flat Earth round Earth debate, approaching the whole discussion with a complete open mind not being one or the other, after many hours of research from a scientific perspective here is my findings.
I am not round Earth and I am not flat earth I just want to know the truth, and the observable evidence based on Reason and sound Logic points to a Flat Earth. If I am pressed to choose I will go with the evidence not sentiment. The Earth is Flat.
Makes you wonder why there is a flat earth debate when we have photos and video from thousands and thousands of feet up and no curve? Should be enough proof? In fact we can’t find curve anywhere on land or from space.

Copernican Globe/Round Earthers please notice the graduating light source on the horizon and above it (from posted photo), notice the obvious hotspot because of the closeness of the Sun and the dark edges where it is becoming night as the light dissipates. Its not that people want the Earth to be flat, its just that the evidence of such is overwhelming.
Top Reasons the Earth is known to be Flat
No Curve from space. (when you use correct lens and not a Go-pro) Link –
No Curve from Land….no observable curve nor measurable curve from high powered lasers or any other measurement known by man.
For all the moving, spinning, tilting and wobbling of NASA’s model the Polestar stays fixed, year after year millennium after millennium. Not only is the Polestar fixed but so are all the stars, ALL OF THEM. Proof is in the time-lapse of the stars at the North-pole.
The graduating light source of the Sun as it sets at the horizon, light follows the Sun, why? because the Sun is moving and not fixed. This graduating of the light source is not how NASA admits or views the Sun, if the Sun is Fixed at the Center of the Solar system its light would not gradually diminish following the Suns path across the Earth.
The Hotspot of the Sun from space on the Earth, impossible from 93,000,000 million miles away, there would not be a localized Hotspot from a flood like light source 93 million miles away, plus the way the light follows the Sun.
and light following the Sun link –
NASA or any other object can not get through the firmament, it can’t be done, they have already sent up 2 private rockets to blast through to space and they failed miserably. What goes up must come down. When Rockets from NASA go to space the flight path always curves back to earth out of sight, it always curves, never into space past the firmament. Until NASA can prove without lying or CGI that they can go through the firmament then all else will not be truth. We demand uninterrupted manned proof of going through the Van Allen Belts also known as the firmament!! Video Link –
Commercial flight paths and boat paths are all flat earth based.
About the Sun and Moon – The Sun and Moon are out in the day time at the same time high in the sky…and the Moon is at all stages of its phases, If you can see the Sun in Full then the Moon should not be a Crescent ever, if the Moon is a Crescent then the Sun according to NASA must be on the other side of the earth casting a shadow on the Moon not high in the sky with the Moon. Some thoughts on the Moon that I have found – Some say the Moon goes through all of its phases no matter what the Sun is doing, and gives of its own light. It is said that the light and energy of the Moon is completely different from the Sun and not a reflection of the Sun at all.
The Moon light is a cooling light and the temperature is actually Hotter in the shade of the Moon, where the Sun is cooler in the shade, I have a link below on this!! Amazing! It is also said the Sun is the exact same size as the Moon! Yes the same size, that is why when they are lined up they fit exactly…called an eclipse. This is scientific evidence of the Moon giving off its own Light and is hotter in the shade.
Contribution by Neil Dyer –
The Flat Earth Sun ….. During dawn and dusk, one can look at the sun for longer periods of time. The sun is not so hard on the eyes as compared with midday, when it is difficult to even glance directly at it .. During dawn and dusk, the sun’s rays aren’t as hot as compared to midday. This makes sense on the flat earth, as the sun moves closer to one’s position, it gets harder to look at and it’s rays are hotter … IF the sun was a constant 93 million miles away, it’s rays would be consistent in their heat and visibility .. A few thousand miles of the earth’s face turning into the sun would be NEGLIGIBLE over a distance of 93 Million Miles!
Water is always flat, always. There is no such thing as curved water.
The Sun at any given day will be sometimes 20% or more bigger depending where it is in the sky, impossible if it is fixed and 93,000,000 miles away. The relative size would not change much at all at such distances.
NASA is a Cheese Factory, they have been caught in so many lies they are full of holes, too many to count. No Moon Landings, No satellites, Orbiting does not exist. If they were professional and true, they would never be caught in any lies because there would be no need for them at all. (what goes up must come down) Google NASA Lies. Video Link –
When planes fly they do not make adjustments for curvature, the horizon is fixed with a typical airplane using about a dozen gyroscopes in everything from its compass to its autopilot. A gyroscope fixes the planes path with the horizon..and its always flat, the degree it varies from its fixed position is less than 2% the entire flight of the plane, even if the plane is flying thousands of miles. The gyroscope; a gyroscope fixes the plane on the horizon to stabilize the path of flight, if it was a globe the plane would have to be adjusted for the curve of the Earth constantly and the gyroscope would vary by 20% to 50% during a long flight not 1-2%. Video Link –
No proof of Gravity only electromagnetism, buoyancy and density based on each individual object or identity, there is no proof of a blanket force that acts equally on all bodies at the same time independent of each particles electromagnetic reality, buoyancy and density. What is light goes up, what is heavy goes gradually down, a feather can float in the wind for miles, dust floats and doesn’t settle for miles or floats for days, helium defies gravity all together, each particle determines its own destiny based on its density or lack of any density (helium) its buoyancy or lack of buoyancy…will it float or sink based on its constitution. Video Link – (for my wife and daughters – I DID NOT PICK THE STILL IMAGE for this video -just sayin…)
video on Density and Buoyancy not gravity –
Video –
Bubbles…yes bubbles in space: NASA shoots all its footage in a swimming pool, yes a huge swimming pool that has the entire space station recreated in it, bubbles have been seen throughout all space walks, or so called space walks. If they are not using a giant swimming pool, they use Green screens and Zero gravity drops from a Boeing airplane to simulate space. Video Link –
When NASA shows earth from a high altitude the earth is spinning, yet when independent people send up balloons or rockets at the same high altitude the earth is not visibly spinning. Video link –
The Horizon is always at eye level and flat as a pancake, no matter how high you go, this is impossible on a ball Earth or any Ball for that matter. When your at sea level the horizon is at eye level, when your at 130,000 feet in the air it is at eye level. This only happens on an infinite plane or a very huge!! plane, but would not happen on a round ball. I’m not a mathematician but if at 130,000 ft and the horizon looks flat, and they say we are on a ball, how big would the earth have to be to incrementally round out the flatness to be a ball…I think the Earth would end up being millions of miles around or even billions of miles around?. The horizon is always at eye level, flat and it spreads out into infinity in all directions that is why NASA and private photos of earth always show the half Moon depiction of Earth from space, never panning to show the actual ball Earth. Look at all the photos of the Earth from space if its a real photo and not CGI then it will always be the half Moon depiction with a Go-Pro Lens like curve. If its really a Globe why can they never video or take pictures from so called space panning and showing us anything but the half moon shot. The reason is the horizon rises to eye level and goes off into infinity in all directions and is impossible to show anything but the half moon gopro like shot. All else is CGI if they show anything but this perspective.
NASA admits on several occasions they can only fly in lower earth orbit, the key word here is fly, nothing has ever orbited or floated weightless outside lower earth orbit, outer space does not exist, the entire world lives under the firmament, there is no actual proof of going through the Van Allen Belts or Firmament, only Gods Sun, Moon, Stars (clouds) and other heavenly bodies float weightless fixed in their path or position, all other bodies must adhere to the law – “what goes up must come down” here are the links from NASA themselves again admitting this truth –
Crepuscular rays – I’ve been an artist for 35yrs, looking intently at the clouds, sky moon sun, land and sea, when you look at Crepuscular rays they tell the whole story of where the Sun actually is every-time, all you have to do is follow them till they intersect, and you will always find the Sun! The rays of the Sun don’t lie, they spread out so profoundly in such a large circular area, impossible if the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Speaking of the rays, the Sun path on the water of the Ocean is another indication of the closeness of the Sun also, if you look at the path you will see that it is uniformly lit from the front to the back in a narrow but strongly lit path at times, impossible if the Sun actually were 93,000,000 miles away, the back of the path would be different than the front lit up right on the shore. There is a lot of scientific explanations but this video I found says it all with no words, you can see the huge circular rays from one light source…if you want science click on the other link. (watch the other video)
and the scientific explanation link –
…happy researching!!
((If you have any thoughts on this post, or would like to add your thoughts please let me know in your comments…thanks!}}
Photo Below – This is a 100% real photo of Earth that I took the light levels down in Photoshop to show the horizon clearer ((Flat as Flat could be)) and the localized hot-spot, and the light on the Horizon is curved rising to the Sun as the light follows the Sun as it moves across the Earth Plane.

*This was originally written by an admin for a Facebook group called FLAT EARTHERS FOR CHRIST -Some edits and additions included