“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book” Revelation 22:18 KJV
THIS IS A POST TAKEN FROM AN ITERATION OF MY NEWSPAPER COLUMN – originally published in August of 2016 (August 12 2016 – Freakiest Geekiest-column only in PDF format)
So often people will stop and tell me how they read my column and found it to be “hard to understand” – or “just way out there!” This one may take the cake. This column will likely be the most “freaky” column you have seen from me yet. What I am about to explain will probably have you exclaiming “That is impossible!” As usual – I encourage you to investigate more for yourself before you decide that I have lost my mind.
I am quoting from what many consider to be some of the most hard-to-understand AND misunderstood books of the Bible: Revelation. Sometimes called the Apocalypse. When referring to the word “revelation” – it is understood that what is being revealed is that Jesus messiah is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”. He is being “revealed” – hence the name, Revelation. The word apocalypse is applied incorrectly by almost everyone, including Christians. The word derives from a Greek term “apokalypsis” meaning: a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities”.
Because of these misunderstandings – and many more – the book of Revelation is avoided in discussions in church circles because it reads like a cypher to be decrypted (much like my words here?) Never mind that the book opens with: “3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” (Revelation 1:3 NKJV)
I want to focus on one misunderstood “scriptural truth” that I hear many a pastor and laity – quote. “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:19 KJV) People refer to this scripture as proof that the Bible cannot be changed. When in fact, it proves the exact opposite. It says, “and IF someone changes the words of this book….” The scripture indicates things will not go well for that person who adds to or takes away – FROM THE BOOK OF REVELATION. (I’m not trying to say that it is ok to change the rest of the Bible – I am just making a point that Revelation 22:18 and 19 are spoken SPECIFICALLY towards John’s prophetic writings in Revelation.)
Another misunderstanding is that many readers of the Bible tend to think of the books as being “chronological” – when they are in fact, not. For example – the Book of Job is likely the oldest book in the Bible but it is inserted deep into the Bible after seventeen other books are included. This order was decided upon by a gathering that we today call, The Nicene Council. It was around 325 years after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension that church leaders of that time decided what would be “true Christian doctrine.” I am not writing this to question whether their decision was right or wrong. My point is – is that the order of books, what is included and what was not – was decided BY MEN. The Bible that we have today was not dropped out of heavenly clouds by God and called “His Word”. As a matter of fact – scripture tells us what His Word truly is. In John 1 we read:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it. “ and then in John 1:14 we read:
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
So what we find here is that whenever someone holds up a Bible and exclaims “I HOLD UP BEFORE YOU THE WORD OF GOD!” – unless Jesus is sitting on their shoulders – they are NOT holding up the Word of God. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jesus messiah, Yeshua hamashiach in the Hebrew – IS the WORD OF GOD. I am aware that I may be stepping on some serious “religion toes” here. We all hold our Bibles in great reverence. That includes me. I cannot stress the importance of us all spending LOTS-O-TIME reading our Bibles. I would not know – what I know – without having spent lots of time in studying scripture. As it is written – “those that believe God must know that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
This brings me to the “freakiest and geekiest” part of this column. Our Bibles are being changed. “OH! C’mon Dave, everybody knows that God’s Word cannot be changed” – yes, that is correct. God’s Word WILL NEVER CHANGE. But we have just established WHO is God’s Word and WHAT is not.
I have a Bible that I read – sitting on my footstool in front of a rocking chair, in a corner of my dining room. It is the same NKJV Bible that I have been reading for ten years (I have many other versions – just happen to read new King James Version) – each morning practically every day, I drink my coffee and read that book. The words IN THAT BOOK changed. As crazy as that sounds – words in certain scriptures, changed. I am not talking about a newer published version or a replacement book – THAT SAME BOOK. And I’m not the only person experiencing this:
Val Loewer –
There are so many that this would be nothing but pages and pages of video links —
Paul Adams, Photohelix and so many, many more!
And if you have a King James (doesn’t matter what year publishing – I have one KJV that is over 60 years old and recently purchased a terrific old KJV that is 110 Years old! I got it for $3 ) or a New King James – many scriptures have been changed in your Bible as well. Just to get you started down this proverbial “rabbit hole” – lookup:
Exodus 13:12, 13:15, 34:19, Numbers 3:12 and 18:15 in a KING JAMES BIBLE. There are MANY others, but this should get you started. (they are hyperlinked here – but I encourage you to open an actual PAPER AND INK – Bible.
So you may be thinking “OK, I’ll humor you. How can this be?”
This came about by a technology I have written about in a past column: We Should Be conCERNed – (page 2) June 12 2015. CERN is the particle accelerator in Switzerland that physicists state that they are able to opening dimensional portals and “pull something into this realm”. Here is a quote from the CERN website:
“Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it” – Sergio Bertolucci who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN. Dr. Bertolucci also added, “Indeed, there would be an “open door”, but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open “a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it.” – This quote was made a few years ago. Today, CERN has much more operating power. Just as an aside – did you know that CERN is short for “CERNUNOS” the underworld god of destruction? Did you know that CERN is built on the Temple of Apollyon? Isn’t that interesting?
Then there is a technology called the “D-Wave Quantum Computer”. D-Wave is a self-aware computer that is so powerful that calculations that would take 10,000 years to work out on a normal supercomputer – would take a few seconds on a D-Wave. It is widely publicized that the D-Wave computer processes and gets its “answers/results” from another dimension. (I’m just telling you what they say) – Check out this video for more details: Quantum Computing – Artificial Intelligence is Here https://youtu.be/9hFbiQDsgkI or just visit my YouTube channel.
I can’t go into detail here – but the connection to the book of Revelation that CERN and the D-Wave have – should concern us. It seems that they hold the key to the bottomless pit mentioned in Revelation. I invite you to find out more by visiting my YouTube channel and to visit a website created by a group who are documenting the Bible changes: www.quantumwarriors.net
Since the original published article appeared – SO MUCH HAS CHANGED! There are now CERN-like particle accelerators in many locations in the world. AI is talked about openly in “main-stream” media outlets – and there are concerns about AI and robotics taking over 50 percent of the overall job market in the next few years! Things are REALLY RAMPING UP!
Great work this really needs to be shown as much as possible I only hope and pray that people will see the truth.we need to share this to the entire world!! God Bless
Thanks Patricia!
Do keep in touch – things are going to get interesting ! as if they haven’t already been????
by all means – pass this post on to friends, non-believers and believers !
Please update your records for the website. quantumeffectconcerningscriptures! It is now: https://quantumwarriors.net
Thanks Sharon —
Are you ok ?
I pray that all is well!!!!
on another note — PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP!
There is a momentum – even pastors are waking up to so many things!
Sin is ABOUNDING in these days — BUT – where sin abounds – GRACE ABOUNDS GREATLY!
Holy Spirit will be moving upon SO MANY! truly — you will see it!
Let it encourage you – and be the seeds of the rewards for your efforts!
my hope? that one day we would hear WELL DONE – GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!
This was sent by Dawn:
Glory to GOD! Yes!!!! It’s been in our face the whole time but YES, I “GET” it now but not until you laid it out like that! I’ve always known it was the strong delusion but didn’t “get it” know what I mean? Oh God. And the righteousness/unrighteousness that GOD has been diligently trying to show everyone its about being righteous!
Yes, brother I will pass this along to everyone I can! I havent even watched or read the link yet! Thank you so much! ❤❤❤
hi david, don’t let them tell you too many lies at cern the truth is, it is the angel of light the bible was talking about. yup, the devil is faking it again, acting like a computer. he will pull it off in the end once he gets inside everyone with his chip. we must at any and all cost refuse, avoid, not accept, the chip even if it causes our death and many deaths will happen because of not accepting his mark. he will appear alive on computer screens all around the world as he forces change. obama will speak also claiming his truth, obama being his son. yes i know hard to believe, but true just the same. it is fixing to get crazy once the civil war takes place very soon and a world war, but the civil war is our concern at the moment. they remove the food, bring in the military and up comes the mark. so we must have a plan, every last one of us. they crash the markets on A tuesday. once this happens we have 6 hours to get out of the big cities and to the places of safety. these places are called cities of light, these cities will be protected by GOD’s angels and not even the military will be able to break the circles, but you must be inside and stay inside until the last day. many will see the rapture from said cities. please pray and ask GOD where your city is. that is how i got the location of mine. a mere 150 miles from my home. YES WE LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND! taking only our food, water, weapons, (for looks or help getting there together and in one piece should you come across trouble) tents, etc. the cities will only be safe ground to live and meet your new families on. so bring all you need to sleep on and to wear. a smart guy would have his stuff ready, for it is any day now. (tuesday)
WHERE DID I GET MY INFO? well here is were it get crazy. two angels walked out of my bedroom wall and showed me most of this on a take a long tv screen of sorts, way back in 2006. i have a site on facebook, called “ONE OF TWO WITNESSES”, please go take a look and pray about it. GOD IS THIS GUY CRAZY or DID YOU SEND HIM? it’s that simple. wait on his reply. hope to see you there, those who live close to me at is…
btw my real name is Chip Griffin and i’m 52 with 2 grown sons and 2 ex-wifes. just an average joe…
Hello Chip!
Thanks for the thought-provoking comment(s)
God willing – I will visit your site and have a look around.
keep in touch